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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Crime Scene

NIJ FY 07 Research and Development on Crime Scene Tools, Techniques and Technologies: Invited Full Proposals

Closing Date
With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for research and development to enhance forensic crime scene examinations. This solicitation focuses on: •Small, rugged, less costly, and less labor-intensive non-destructive analytical tools and technologies for the onsite presumptive and/or confirmatory analysis of forensic evidence at a crime scene. •Sample location, identification, capture, and stabilization technology suitable for recovery of trace particulate, liquid, chemical, and biological evidence at...

NIJ FY06 Research and Development on Crime Scene Tools, Techniques, and Technologies Solicitation: Invited Full Applications

Closing Date

With this solicitation, NIJ seeks concept papers for research and development to enhance forensic crime scene examinations, specifically: 1. Small, rugged, less costly, less labor-intensive, and nondestructive analytical tools and technologies for onsite presumptive and/or confirmatory analysis of forensic evidence at a crime scene. 2. Sample location, identification, capture, and stabilization technology suitable for recovering trace particulate, liquid, chemical, and biological evidence at a crime...