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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Crime prevention

Using Brief Interventions to Prevent Teen Dating Violence

April 2018
In this moderated discussion with researchers, practitioners, and a policy advocate, we will talk about the promise of brief interventions to reduce teen dating violence across multiple settings with potentially high risk populations.

Dr. Emily F. Rothman and Ms. Sarah DeCosta will talk about the Real Talk intervention, which is a brief motivational interview intervention designed to stop dating abuse perpetration by youth ages 15-19 years old, and was tested through a randomized controlled trial in adolescent health care settings. Dr. Elizabeth Miller and Ms.

NIJ FY18 Research and Evaluation on Prevention and Mitigation of Domestic Pathways to Terrorism

Closing Date

The Domestic Radicalization and Terrorism program strives to better understand the primary drivers of radicalization and what can be done to prevent or intervene during the radicalization process through programmatic efforts. In FY2018, NIJ will emphasize an interest in evaluations of new and existing demonstration programs to prevent terrorism (by way of de-radicalization and disengagement). NIJ will encourage applicants to submit projects which conduct comparative...

NIJ FY18 Research on Reducing Violence in Communities

Closing Date

The purpose of this solicitation is to support research to produce sustainable community-level reductions in violence. NIJ seeks to develop scientific evidence and build practical knowledge of the factors that contribute to achieving enduring violence reductions in communities. NIJ is interested in receiving proposals for research with both empirical and theory-building elements that will lead to practical and generalizable recommendations. These recommendations should inform community-focused...

NIJ FY18 Understanding the Impacts of Policing Strategies and Practices

Closing Date

With this solicitation, the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) seeks proposal for research and/or evaluation projects to examine the impact of police crime-reduction practices and strategies on four variables. Those are: (1) crime, (2) officer safety, (3) criminal investigations, and (4) criminal prosecutions. NIJ will accept proposals for research examining person- or place-based practices and strategies. NIJ is particularly interested in examining the practice of...

NIJ FY18 Investigator-Initiated Research and Evaluation on Firearms Violence

Closing Date

With this solicitation, NIJ seeks applications for investigator-initiated research and evaluation projects to improve understanding, prevention and deterrence of firearms violence in general and public mass shooting incidents in particular. This solicitation aims to strengthen the knowledge base and improve public safety by producing findings with practical implications. This solicitation is focused specifically on producing research related to intentional, interpersonal firearms violence.