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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.


NIJ FY 13 Research and Evaluation on Justice Systems: Investigator-Initiated

Closing Date

NIJ seeks proposals for social and behavioral science research on, and evaluations related to, justice systems topics relevant to State, local, tribal, or Federal criminal and juvenile justice policy and practice. Application titles should clearly indicate the justice systems focus area selected. Most justice systems topics, including but not limited to general policing, corrections (institutional, community, and offender reentry), and courts (prosecution, defense including indigent...

NIJ FY 13 Building and Enhancing Criminal Justice Researcher-Practitioner Parterships

Closing Date
NIJ seeks proposals for criminal justice research and evaluation that include a researcher-practitioner partnership component. Within the context of the proposed research or evaluation project, the partnerships can be new or ongoing. Results from these projects should lead to better criminal justice policy, practice, and research, including for the participating practitioner partner. NIJ intends to support criminal justice research in two areas related to new...

NIJ FY 13 Social Science Research on Forensic Science

Closing Date
NIJ seeks proposals for social science research on forensic science. Some of the forensic disciplines, particularly in the area of DNA, have experienced numerous advances over the last decade. NIJ is interested in stimulating research to examine the impact of these forensic advances on the criminal justice system and changes in policies to adapt to the greater use of forensic evidence. NIJ has identified several...