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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.


NIJ FY 12 Evaluability Assessments of the Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA) Model

Closing Date
As part of a collaborative effort with the Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART), NIJ seeks proposals to conduct an evaluability assessment of up to five sites that are implementing the Circles of Support and Accountability (COSA) model. Results from the evaluability assessments may become a precursor to further research and program development work, lay possible groundwork for other targeted...

NIJ FY 12 Evaluation of the FY 2010 Bureau of Justice Assistance Second Chance Act Adult Offender Reentry Demonstration Projects

Closing Date

This solicitation seeks proposals to examine the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Second Chance Act (SCA) adult offender reentry demonstration projects funded in Fiscal Year (FY) 2010. The specific focus areas under this solicitation include: (1) an evaluability assessment of eight adult offender reentry demonstration projects (anticipates one award of up to $400,000) and; (2) a comprehensive evaluation of eight adult offender reentry demonstration projects.

NIJ FY 12 Evaluation of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention FY 2010 Second Chance Act Juvenile Offender Reentry Demonstration Projects

Closing Date

NIJ seeks proposals for a comprehensive evaluation of up to five juvenile offender demonstration projects funded under the Second Chance Act of 2007. This solicitation seeks to award a grant to measure the processes, outcomes, costs, and impacts of the juvenile offender reentry programs that received funding in FY 2010 from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), and to assess the effectiveness...

NIJ FY 12 Building and Enhancing Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships

Closing Date
NIJ seeks proposals for the funding of multiple criminal justice research projects involving researcher-practitioner partnerships as well as capturing, in detail, relevant accounts of these collaborations. This solicitation specifically aims to support criminal justice research and evaluation activities that include a researcher-practitioner partnership component. Within the context of the proposed research or evaluation project, these partnerships can be new or ongoing. Results from these projects...

NIJ FY 12 The Impact of Different Safety Equipment Modalities on Reducing Correctional Officer Injuries

Closing Date
NIJ seeks proposals to conduct comparative evaluations of safety equipment modalities; that is, policies and practices among correctional agencies regarding what safety equipment staff may use, when and how staff may use it, and how those modalities affect officers' physical safety. For the purpose of this solicitation, safety equipment is defined as equipment used by correctional officers to de-escalate and stop violent and disruptive activities...

NIJ FY 12 Research and Evaluation on Justice Systems

Closing Date

This solicitation seeks proposals to examine topics relevant to State and/or local criminal and juvenile justice systems policy and practice. Specific focus areas under this solicitation for Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 include: research on District Attorneys’ pretrial diversion programs (anticipates one award of up to $1 million); a pilot study on the impact of incarceration on families (anticipates one award of up to $500,000); and...

NIJ FY 12 Evaluating the Impact of the NIJ Body Armor Program

Closing Date
NIJ seeks proposals for funding to conduct an evaluation of the impact of NIJ's body armor research program on law enforcement policy and practice in the United States beginning with the program's inception in the early 1970s through today. This program involves the development of improved body armor. It also involves the development of standards to measure the performance of body armor and a testing...