Going Home (or Not): How Residential Change Might Help Former Offenders Stay Out of Prison
Sex Offender Residency Restrictions: Implementation and Impact
Less Prison, More Police, Less Crime: How Criminology Can Save the States from Bankruptcy
Prisoner Recollections: The Role of Internet Use and Real-Life Networks in the Early Radicalization of Islamist Terrorist Offenders
Assessing the Influence of Home Visit Themes and Temporal Ordering On High-Risk Parolee Outcomes
Access to Transportation and Outcomes for Women on Probation and Parole
Trajectories of job search and wellbeing among reentering individuals
How Women and Front-Line Workers Manage the Bureaucratic Process of Prisoner Reentry
Evaluating the Effects of Realignment Practices on Recidivism Outcomes
Evaluating the Impact of Probation and Parole Home Visits
Establishing a National Criminal Justice Technology Research, Test and Evaluation Center
Labor Force Participation and Crime Among Severe and Violent Former Prisoners
Study of the Use of Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners Program Funds on Aftercare Services
Evidence-Based Treatment and Responsivity: Individual and Program Predictors of Recidivism During Juvenile Drug Court and Outpatient Substance Abuse Treatment
Re-Analysis of Existing Data on Stalking Recidivism
Peering into prison Prison peer effects and their policy implications
Data Resources Program 2013: Funding for Analysis of Existing Data Community Corrections Patterns: State Level Composition of Probation and Parole, 1975-2010
The Impact of Safety Equipment Modalities on Reducing Correctional Officer Injuries
Identifying the Highest Priority Criminal Justice Technology Needs
"It''s not all cupcakes and lollipops": An investigation of the predictors and effects of prison visitation for children during maternal and paternal incarceration.
NIJ FY 13 Research and Evaluation on Justice Systems: Investigator-Initiated
NIJ seeks proposals for social and behavioral science research on, and evaluations related to, justice systems topics relevant to State, local, tribal, or Federal criminal and juvenile justice policy and practice. Application titles should clearly indicate the justice systems focus area selected. Most justice systems topics, including but not limited to general policing, corrections (institutional, community, and offender reentry), and courts (prosecution, defense including indigent...