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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Correctional facilities

Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women and Men: Findings from a National Survey

June 2016

This seminar provides the first set of estimates from a national large-scale survey of violence against women and men who identified themselves as American Indian or Alaska Native using detailed behaviorally specific questions on psychological aggression, coercive control and entrapment, physical violence, stalking, and sexual violence. These results are expected to raise awareness and understanding of violence experienced by American Indian and Alaska Native people.

NIJ FY 15 Research on the Efficacy of Different Contraband Interdiction Modalities Used in Correctional Facilities

Closing Date
NIJ is seeking proposals to conduct research to identify the different interdiction modalities currently used by agencies to keep contraband out of their facilities and what is known about their efficacy. An interdiction modality is considered to include both (1) the policies and practices that agencies use to prevent contraband from being brought into a facility as well as (2) those used to detect and...