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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Community policing

Speech to the National Association of State Forensic Mental Health Directors

The Mentally Ill Offender: Viewing Crime
and Justice Through a Different Lens


Thank you for the kind invitation to address this conference of the National Association of State Mental Health Forensic Directors. Several months ago, I readily accepted Judy Cox's invitation to speak to you. At the time, it seemed like a pretty straightforward proposition -- I enjoy opportunities to speak with people who...

Education in Law Enforcement: Beyond the College Degree

History of the Issue

The issue of education as it relates to the police is a long-standing one -- in fact, of longer standing than some might think. The most familiar accounting of the roots of the issue takes us back to the 1960's, to the various blue ribbon commissions established partly in response to the misconduct of some police officers during the urban riots...

Declining Crime and Our National Research Agenda: A New Yorker's View

Inaugural Lecture
The Jack and Lewis Rudin Distinguished Visiting Scholar Program

Good Afternoon:

I thank you for the invitation to speak with you this afternoon and thank Dr. Gerald Lynch for arranging this impressive gathering. I am especially honored to be presenting the inaugural lecture of the Jack and Lewis Rudin Distinguished Visiting Scholar Program. The Rudin family is synonymous with civic commitment to the...

Lessons for the Criminal Justice System from Twenty Years of Policing Reform

Keynote Address I am delighted to be here, home again in New York City, and am particularly honored to be invited to address, "New Beginnings," the first conference of the New York Campaign for Effective Crime Policy.

I commend you for bringing together this wonderfully-broad based coalition -- including judges, legislators, prosecutors, educators, labor leaders, researchers, crime victim advocates, and criminal justice policy experts --...