NCJ Number
Date Published
April 2005
31 pages
This report presents findings and recommendations from a 50-State survey of local and State law enforcement agencies and 5 case studies regarding changes and improvement in these agencies' involvement in counterterrorist activities since the September 11 terrorist attacks.
The work group that analyzed the findings recommends improved intelligence collection, analysis, and sharing at State and local levels, as well as the integration of new terrorism-related efforts into the existing criminal justice system. The work group also recommends cooperation across the entire spectrum of law enforcement and private security at local, State, and Federal levels. Other work-group recommendations address State-level governance, planning, and legal issues that pertain to State law enforcement and general terrorism-prevention responsibilities. The key finding is that since September 11, State law enforcement agencies have assumed new roles and responsibilities related to homeland security. Approximately 75 percent of State agencies reported they either have a significant degree of involvement with or serve as their State's leader for terrorism-related intelligence collection, analysis, and dissemination. Just over 50 percent of State agencies reported similar involvement in homeland-security planning and coordination at the State level; conducting vulnerability assessments of critical infrastructure; providing protection for this infrastructure and dignitaries; and emergency response to terrorism-related incidents. Local law enforcement agencies were more likely to report allocating additional resources to airport security, community policing, traffic safety, drug enforcement and investigation, and traditional criminal investigations. Respondents also reported that local law enforcement agencies have been requesting more assistance and support from State police since September 11, particularly in the areas of training, technical assistance, forensic science, specialized services, and computer crimes. 4 figures, 18 notes, and appended 2000 data on State law enforcement agencies
Date Published: April 1, 2005
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