Combined DNA Index System (CODIS)
Rapid DNA Crime Scene Sample Multi-Laboratory Evaluation Project
Optimizing the Analysis of DNA from Burned Bone Using Ancient DNA Techniques
DNA Recovery After Sequential Processing Of Latent Fingerprints On Black Polyethylene Plastic
Development of a Novel Five-dye Panel for Human Identification Insertion/deletion (INDEL) Polymorphisms
How to Right a Wrong: Empirically Evaluating Whether Victim, Offender, and Assault Characteristics can Inform Rape Kit Testing Policies
Forgotten Evidence: A Mixed Methods Study of Why Sexual Assault Kits (SAKs) Are Not Submitted for DNA Forensic Testing
Matching CODIS Genotypes to SNP Genotypes Using Linkage Disequilibrium
Are We Fishing or Catching? Evaluating the Efficiency of Bait Capture of CODIS Fragments
The Increased Value of Forensic Science to Lead Gun Crime Investigations Part II
The Increased Value of Forensic Science to Lead Gun Crime Investigations Part I
Cold Cases and Serial Killers (Part 1)
In April 2018, the Golden State Killer, Joseph DeAngelo was arrested. NIJ support helped lead to his arrest, and in the aftermath of the arrest, NIJ Social Science Analyst Eric Martin was among those tasked with finding other cases NIJ helped law enforcement solve. Eric joins the show to talk about some of those cases, and answer some broader questions about serial killers: What is a serial killer? Are they on the rise? How do we know how many serial killers are currently active?