Cluster analysis
Detection of Ignitable Liquid Residues in Fire Debris by Using Direct Analysis in RealTime Mass Spectrometry (DART-MS)
ILIAD: A Suite of Automated Snakemake Workflows for Processing Genomic Data for Downstream Applications
Trauma Behind the Keyboard: Exploring Disparities in Child Sexual Abuse Material Exposure and Mental Health Factors among Police Investigators and Forensic Examiners – A Network Analysis
Does Training Police Officers In Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Improve Use Of Force Outcomes? An Experimental Evaluation With Systematic Social Observation in the Colorado Springs Police Department
Building the Capacity of Community-Facing Agencies to Implement Evidence-Based Practices
Evaluating Virtual Reality Enhancements of an Evidence-based Multi-tiered Aggression & Bullying Prevention Program
Graphic Description – Medicolegal Death Investigation Case Specific Frequently Used Data Elements And Chart
Development of a Novel Five Dye Insertion/Deletion (INDEL) Panel for Ancestry Determination
Single-cell Investigative Genetics: Single-cell Data Produces Genotype Distributions Concentrated at the True Genotype Across All Mixture Complexities
Notes from the Field: Cluster of Severe Illness from Neptune’s Fix Tianeptine Linked to Synthetic Cannabinoids — New Jersey, June–November 2023
Enhancing Response to Victims: A Formative Evaluation of OVC’s Law Enforcement-Based Victim Services (LEV) Program
Body Fluid Identification Using a Targeted mRNA Massively Parallel Sequencing Approach - Results of a EUROFORGEN/EDNAP Collaborative Exercise
An Admixture Approach to Trihybrid Ancestry Variation in the Philippines With Implications for Forensic Anthropology
Genetic Variation in Tunisia in the Context of Human Diversity Worldwide
Carbon-Based Fingerprint Powder as a One-Step Development and Matrix Application for High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry Imaging of Latent Fingerprints
Development of a Body Fluid Identification Multiplex via DNA Methylation Analysis
Large Scale Microbiome Profiling in the Cloud
Examining the Impacts of Body-Worn Cameras on Correctional Culture, Climate, and the Well-Being of Staff and Incarcerated Persons
Validating a novel tool for coding body worn camera footage of police-community member interactions
Linking emergency care and police department data to strengthen timely information on violence-related paediatric injuries
A panel of 74 AISNPs: Improved Ancestry Inference within Eastern Asia
A Data-Informed Response to Emerging Drugs
The emerging drug crisis in the U.S. touches both criminal justice and public health, and experts from both fields came together at NIJ’s 2023 National Research Conference to discuss strategies and tools to fight this problem. Dr. Frances Scott, NIJ scientist and program manager, continues the conference discussion with two fellow panelists: Ciena Bayard, the Method Development and Validation Program Manager for D.C. Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, and Haley Greene, the Deputy Epidemiologist for the Central Region for the Virginia Department of Health. Read the transcript.