Case Management
The relationship between participation in structured activities and health, safety and quality of life outcomes for prison residents and staff
A Statewide Assessment of the Impact of Virtual Check-Ins for Community Supervision
Enhancing Risk-Need-Responsivity Implementation: An Evidence-based System for Case Management Support
Expansion of University of South Florida's BRIGHT Project to Combat Human Trafficking
Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Victim Services
The COVID-19 pandemic had a detrimental impact on communities across the nation and significantly affected various aspects of individuals’ lives. One of the negative impacts was an increase in gender-based violence accompanied by shifting barriers to accessing services and support. Victims and victim service providers faced various challenges dealing with the increase in need for services, navigating barriers to help-seeking, and addressing logistical issues.
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Economic Justice for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
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Triaging Cases – Case Management and All That Means
Evaluation of a Community-focused Violence Intervention and Prevention Program
Evaluability assessment and development of psychological and behavioral health approaches to prevent terrorism and facilitate reintegration of violent extremists.
The Importance of Data to the MDI Community and Stakeholders
Dual System Youth: At the Intersection of Child Maltreatment and Delinquency
Across the country, child welfare and juvenile justice systems now recognize that youth involved in both systems (i.e., dual system youth) are a vulnerable population who often go unrecognized because of challenges in information-sharing and cross system collaboration. In light of these challenges, national incidence rates of dual system youth are not known.
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Comprehensive Assessment of Novel Reference Materials and Analytical Methods for the Analysis and Interpretation of Organic and Inorganic Gunshot Residues
NeuroResource Facilitation for Improved Re-Entry Outcomes for Offenders with Brain Injury: A Multi-Site Randomized Controlled Trial
Prevention of Financial Abuse Among Elders Affected by Cognitive Decline: A Randomized Controlled Trial In Three Rural Communities
Partnering to Enhance Services for Survivors: An Evaluability Assessment and Formative Evaluation of Safe Horizon's Anti-Trafficking Program
Formative Evaluation of a Pediatric Hospital-Based Violence Intervention Program
Expanding the Knowledge Base about Child Advocacy Centers
AI R&D to Support Community Supervision: Integrated Dynamic Risk Assessment for Community Supervision
From the Academy to Retirement: A Journey Through the Policing Lifecycle
Professor Rosenbaum and a panel of colleagues discuss a study to demonstrate the feasibility of creating a foundation from which to launch studies about multiple aspects of policing using standardized definitions and measurement tools. Their goal is to advance knowledge about policing and translate data into evidence-based best practices that improve training, supervision and accountability systems. The effort is expected to produce a better understanding of what motivates police officers and makes them healthier, happier and more effective.
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