STAT3 polymorphisms in North Africa and its implication in breast cancer
Just Science Podcast: Just Lawfully Owed DNA
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Just Science Podcast: Just the Biology and DNA Portfolio
The Time is Now for Ubiquitous Forensic mtMPS Analysis
The Link Between the SAMFE and Police Perceptions of Victim Credibility
Just Science Podcast: Just a Guide to Sexual Assault Response Reform
Perspectives on Addressing the Collection, Tracking, and Processing of Lawfully Owed DNA Samples
Relaxing the assumption of unrelatedness in the numerator and denominator of likelihood ratios for DNA mixtures
National Institute of Justice 2018 Annual Report
A 2b-RAD parentage analysis pipeline for complex and mixed DNA samples
Graph Algorithms for Mixture Interpretation
Testing the impact of trait prevalence priors in Bayesian-based genetic prediction modeling of human appearance traits
What can forensic probabilistic genotyping software developers learn from significant non-forensic software failures?
Identification and Detection of Cosmetics Transferred during Close Personal Attacks
Match statistics for sequence-based alleles in profiles from forensic PCR-mps kits
Reducing noise and stutter in short tandem repeat loci with unique molecular identifiers
Persistence of Touch DNA for Forensic Analysis
Can a reference 'match' an evidence profile if these have no loci in common?
Validation of a top-down DNA profile analysis for database searching using a fully continuous probabilistic genotyping model
A Continuous Statistical Phasing Framework for the Analysis of Forensic Mitochondrial DNA Mixtures
Micromanipulation of single cells and fingerprints for forensic identification
Evaluation of Promega PowerSeq (TM) Auto/Y systems prototype on an admixed sample of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Population data, sensitivity, stutter and mixture studies
Technical note: Survey of extracellular and cell-pellet-associated DNA from 'touch'/trace samples
Optimization of novel loop-mediated isothermal amplification with colorimetric image analysis for forensic body fluid identification
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