Familial DNA: A series of reports released by the National Institute of Justice
A Guidance Document on the Forensic Application of Massively Parallel Sequencing
2016 NIJ Crime Laboratory Directors Meeting
2014 NIJ Crime Laboratory Directors Meeting
Success Story: Improving Detection of Crime Scenes
Success Story: Bringing Short Tandem Repeat DNA Identification to Law Enforcement
Matching 3D Facial Shape to Demographic Properties by Geometric Metric Learning: A Part-Based Approach
Compositionally Aware Phylogenetic Beta-Diversity Measures Better Resolve Microbiomes Associated with Phenotype
Just Science Podcast: Just Trauma-Informed Approaches and Advocacy for Vulnerable Populations
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Some content in this podcast may be considered sensitive and may evoke emotional responses or may not be appropriate for younger audiences.
ProSynAR: a reference aware read merger
Streamlining the decision-making process for international DNA kinship matching using Worldwide allele frequencies and tailored cutoff log(10)LR thresholds
Postmortem Skeletal Microbial Community Composition and Function in Buried Human Remains
Design and optimization of a 16S microbial qPCR multiplex for the presumptive identification of feces, saliva, vaginal and menstrual secretions
Developing a comprehensive analytical protocol for forensic sexual lubricant analysis-Part 1: Implementing a sexual lubricant database for forensic casework
The application of the skin virome for human identification
Further Evaluation of the Efficacy of Contamination Removal From Bone Surfaces
Mitochondrial DNA Preservation Across 3000 Year Old Northern Fur Seal Ribs is Not Related to Bone Density: Implications for Forensic Investigations
One of the Key Characteristics of Ancient DNA Low Copy Number May be a Product of its Extraction
Evaluating the Efficacy of Various Thermo-Stable Polymerases Against Co-Extracted PCR Inhibitors in Ancient DNA Samples
Evaluation of Methods that Subdue the Effects of Polymerase Chain Reaction Inhibitors in the Study of Ancient and Degraded DNA
Evaluation of automatable silica-based extraction methods for low quantity samples
Exploring likelihood ratios assigned for siblings of the true mixture contributor as an alternate contributor
The Relationship of DNA Evidence to Prosecution Outcomes in Sexual Assault Cases
Exonuclease Digestion Assay for Streamlining Aptamer Characterization, Engineering, and Sensor Development
Evaluating probabilistic genotyping for low-pass DNA sequencing
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