Accurate profiling of forensic autosomal STRs using the Oxford Nanopore Technologies MinION device
Use of Rapid Toxicology Screening Tools in Medical Examiner/Coroner Offices
Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS): Principles, Construction, and Biosensing Applications
Implementation Strategies: 3D Imaging for Firearms and Toolmarks
CSLM: Convertible Short-Term and Long-Term Memory in Differential Neural Computers
Development of Next-Generation Fingermark Lifters and On-The-Spot Visualization Devices Visualization Devices
Success Story: LatentSleuth: A Case Study on the Impact of Federal R&D Funding
Expanding the Scope and Efficiency of 3D Surface Topography Analysis in Firearm Forensics
LatentSleuth: A Case Study on the Impact of Federal R&D Funding
A Metrology Foundation for 3D Ballistic Imaging
Just Science Podcast: Just Standardizing Sexual Assault Kits
Content Advisory
Some content in this podcast may be considered sensitive and may evoke emotional responses or may not be appropriate for younger audiences.
Using Data and Science to Understand the Impact of COVID–19 on Corrections
ProDerAl: reference position dependent alignment
Deep Maximum a Posterior Estimator for Video Denoising
Evaluation of the Routine Use of CT Scanning to Supplant or Supplement Autopsy in a High-Volume Medical Examiner’s Office
Notes From the Field: Using Forensic Intelligence to Drive Gun Crime Investigations
Better together: A transdisciplinary approach to disrupt human trafficking
Community Supervision in a Digital World: Challenges and Opportunities
CSLM: Convertible Short-Term and Long-Term Memory in Differential Neural Computers
Evaluation of Technology-based Advocacy Services (ETA): Technical Report, Executive Summary
An origami electrical biosensor for multiplexed analyte detection in body fluids
Nano-FET-enabled biosensors: Materials perspective and recent advances in North America
Preventing Identity Theft: Perspectives on Technological Solutions from Industry Insiders
Micromanipulation of single cells and fingerprints for forensic identification
Evaluation of Promega PowerSeq (TM) Auto/Y systems prototype on an admixed sample of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Population data, sensitivity, stutter and mixture studies
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