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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Expired Funding Opportunities


National Institute of Justice Continuation Awards

Date Posted
Closing Date

Awards made under this funding opportunity are Continuation awards. These are grants or cooperative agreements that provide supplemental funds to awards made in a prior fiscal year. Typically, these awards were made initially in response to competitive solicitations. NIJ often uses continuations to fund multi-year research and development projects.

NIJ FY 07/08 ORE Data Resources Program

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Closing Date
NIJ is requesting proposals to replicate previous findings and conduct original research extending data from the National Archive of Criminal Justice Data (NACJD). NACJD houses quantitative and qualitative data from NIJ-funded research and provides online access to downloadable, machine-readable (SPSS, SAS, or ASCII) files as well as data dictionaries, study abstracts and, in limited cases, MapInfo or ESRI geographic data. The archive is maintained by the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan and is supported by NIJ.

NIJ FY 07 Training and Assistance for Criminal Justice Professionals in the Collection and Use of DNA Evidence

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Closing Date
NIJ is seeking proposals from training provider(s) to develop or deliver (or both) knowledge-based forensic science curricula at the State or local level (or both). Applicants are encouraged to propose enhancements or modifications to existing training programs for computer-based or Web-based delivery. Dissemination of the product and sustainability of these initiatives is a priority.

NIJ FY 07 Solving Cold Cases with DNA

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With this solicitation, NIJ is seeking proposals to search, evaluate, select, and conduct DNA analysis on violent crime “cold cases” (i.e., old, unsolved cases) that have the potential to be solved through DNA testing. Experience has shown that such cold case review programs can solve a substantial number of homicides and rapes. Recent advances have improved the ability of analysts to successfully use DNA from biological evidence that is old, of poor quality, or limited in quantity.

NIJ FY 07 Research and Development on Impression Evidence: Invited Full Proposals

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Closing Date

With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for research and development to enhance crime laboratories’ ability to identify, characterize, capture, visualize, and preserve impression evidence. This solicitation focuses on: •Faster, reliable, widely applicable, less costly, and less labor-intensive tools and technologies for the identification, collection, preservation, and analysis of impression evidence. •Tools that provide a quantitative measure or statistical evaluation of forensic comparisons. •The effect of time and environmental factors on impression evidence.

NIJ FY 07 Research and Development on Crime Scene Tools, Techniques and Technologies: Invited Full Proposals

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With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for research and development to enhance forensic crime scene examinations. This solicitation focuses on: •Small, rugged, less costly, and less labor-intensive non-destructive analytical tools and technologies for the onsite presumptive and/or confirmatory analysis of forensic evidence at a crime scene. •Sample location, identification, capture, and stabilization technology suitable for recovery of trace particulate, liquid, chemical, and biological evidence at a crime scene.

NIJ FY 07 Research and Development in Fire and Arson Investigation: Invited Full Proposals

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With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for research and development in fire and arson investigation for criminal justice purposes. This solicitation is aimed at improving the ability of forensic analysts and investigators to locate and identify probative evidence from fire scenes and to enhance the ability of crime laboratories to analyze fire evidence. NIJ is particularly interested in the following areas: •New or improved tools and technologies to aid in interpreting a fire scene. •Improved understanding of chemical signatures found at fire scenes (e.g., burn patterns analysis).

NIJ FY 07 Electronic Crime and Digital Evidence Recovery: Invited Full Proposals

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Closing Date
NIJ is seeking applications for funding to research, develop, and demonstrate emerging digital evidence recovery technology solutions for public safety agencies.Specific areas of interest include:Internet protocol (IP) tracing.Data hiding and encryption.Macintosh computer forensics.Mobile digital evidence examination.Live computer system capture and triage tool.Intrusion forensic examination tools and utilities

NIJ FY 07 Forensic DNA Research and Development: Invited Full Proposals

Date Posted
Closing Date
NIJ is seeking applications for funding research and development that can enhance the f o r ensic uses o f DNA t e c hnolog y . T h is solicit a t ion f o cuse s on t e chnolo g ies t h a t r e sult in f a st e r , m o r e r obus t , m o r e in f o r m at iv e, less cos t ly, o r less labor - i nt en siv e ident i f icat ion, collect ion, pr e s er v a t i on, and/ or analy s is of DNA evidence collected from crime scenes .