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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Awards: Listing of Funded Projects

Every year, NIJ awards grants and cooperative agreements for research, development, evaluation, testing and training and technical assistance projects across the spectrum of criminal justice.
Showing Results For:
State: IL

Number of Awards: 251
Total Amount Awarded: $131,923,021

Funded Awards
FY Sort ascending Title Original Solicitation Recipient State Award Number Amount Status
2018 Sex and Ancestry Estimation Methods in Modern Filipino Crania NIJ FY18 Continuations UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL 2017-IJ-CX-0008 $41,856 Closed
2018 The Effect of Altitude on Decomposition: Toward an Understanding of the Postmortem Interval in the Rocky Mountain Region. NIJ FY18 Graduate Research Fellowship in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY IL 2018-R2-CX-0014 $106,701 Closed
2018 The influence of social surroundings on juvenile and criminal justice involvement of 17-year-olds transitioning from foster care to adulthood: A longitudinal and life-course approach NIJ FY18 Graduate Research Fellowship in Social and Behavioral Sciences The University of Chicago IL 2018-R2-CX-0007 $32,000 Closed
2018 Trajectories of Delinquency and the Juvenile Justice System's Response Legacy OJJDP Research Grants Northwestern University IL 2013-JF-FX-0057 $500,000 Closed
2018 Trajectories of Delinquency and the Juvenile Justice System's Response: Collateral Consequences in Young Adulthood Legacy OJJDP Research Grants Northwestern University IL 2013-JF-FX-0057 $500,000 Closed
2018 Trajectories of Delinquency and the Juvenile Justice Systems Response Legacy OJJDP Research Grants Northwestern University IL 2013-JF-FX-0057 $499,996 Closed
2018 Trauma Exposure, Ecological Factors, and Child Welfare Involvement as Predictors of Youth Crossover into the Juvenile Justice System Legacy OJJDP Research Grants Chapin Hall Center for Children IL 2016-MU-MU-0069 $74,997 Closed
2018 Violence Exposure, Continuous Trauma, and Repeat Offending in Female and Male Serious Adolescent Offenders Legacy OJJDP Research Grants Loyola University Chicago IL 2016-MU-MU-0067 $75,000 Closed
2017 A Randomized Controlled Trial on Community Infused Problem-Oriented Policing in Crime Hotspots NIJ FY17 Understanding the Impacts of Policing Strategies and Practices (Beyond Crime Reduction) NATIONAL OPINION RESEARCH CENTER IL 2017-R2-CX-0017 $1,399,828 Closed
2017 Coupling Raman Spectroscopy with Ambient Sampling, Portable Mass Spectrometry for On-site, High-Throughput Evidence Confirmation on a Single Instrumental Platform NIJ FY17 Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes Illinois State University IL 2017-R2-CX-0022 $298,100 Closed
2017 Development of next-generation fingermark lifters and on-the-spot visualization devices NIJ FY17 Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes NORTHERN ILLINOIS UNIVERSITY IL 2017-DN-BX-0167 $628,327 Closed
2017 Examination of the Use of Fire Dynamics Analysis Techniques With Furniture Fueled Fires NIJ FY17 Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC IL 2017-DN-BX-0163 $570,790 Closed
2017 Firearm Forensics Black-Box Studies for Examiners and Algorithms using Measured 3D Surface Topographies NIJ FY17 Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes Cadre Research Labs, LLC IL 2017-IJ-CX-0024 $196,415 Closed
2017 Firearm involvement of parents and their adolescent children: A prospective intergenerational study of high-risk youth NIJ FY17 Investigator-Initiated Research and Evaluation on Firearms Violence NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY IL 2017-IJ-CX-0019 $749,976 Closed
2017 Infusing Community Policing Strategies into Hot Spots Policing Practices: The Impacts on Police-Community Relations in a Mid-Sized City NIJ FY17 Understanding the Impacts of Policing Strategies and Practices (Beyond Crime Reduction) UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL 2017-R2-CX-0012 $316,125 Past Project Period End Date
2017 Interpersonal Conflict and Resolution: Assessing victimization and perpetration sequencing and proximal determinants NIJ FY17 Research and Evaluation on Victims of Crime NATIONAL OPINION RESEARCH CENTER IL 2017-VF-GX-0103 $452,891 Closed
2017 Linking internal organ microbiome and metabolome compositions to cause death in medicolegal investigations NIJ FY17 Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes The University of Chicago IL 2017-MU-MU-0042 $532,286 Closed
2017 Relationship Dynamics in the National Survey of Teen Relationships and Intimate Violence (STRiV) NIJ FY17 Research and Evaluation on Violence Against Women: Teen Dating Violence, Sexual Violence, and Intimate Partner Violence NATIONAL OPINION RESEARCH CENTER IL 2017-MU-CX-0031 $998,574 Closed
2017 Sex and Ancestry Estimation Methods in Modern Filipino Crania NIJ FY17 Graduate Research Fellowship Program in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS IL 2017-IJ-CX-0008 $47,451 Closed
2017 The development of objective approach to the characterization and interpretation of paint evidence by SEM/EDS NIJ FY17 Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes MICROTRACE LLC IL 2017-IJ-CX-0027 $594,920 Closed
2017 Using Machine Learning to Identify High Risk Domestic Violence Offenders in New York City NIJ FY17 Research and Evaluation on Violence Against Women: Teen Dating Violence, Sexual Violence, and Intimate Partner Violence UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO IL 2017-VA-CX-0033 $452,553 Closed
2016 A Predictive Knowledgebase Linking Microbial Signatures to Human Lifestyle Characteristics Non-solicited Applications The University of Chicago IL 2015-DN-BX-K430 $564,735 Closed
2016 Advanced Scan Matching, Scalable Search, and Visualization Tools for the Analysis of 3D Scans of Cartridge Casings in Firearm Forensics Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes Cadre Research Labs, LLC IL 2016-DN-BX-0182 $204,725 Closed
2016 Development of Computational Methods for the Audio Analysis of Gunshots Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes Cadre Research Labs, LLC IL 2016-DN-BX-0183 $93,561 Closed
2016 Evaluating the Safe Spaces Community-Led CVE Program Office of Research and Evaluation Continuations Board of Trustees, University of Illinois, Chicago IL 2015-ZA-BX-0003 $149,688 Closed