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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Awards: Listing of Funded Projects

Every year, NIJ awards grants and cooperative agreements for research, development, evaluation, testing and training and technical assistance projects across the spectrum of criminal justice.
Showing Results For:
State: MA,
District: 8

Number of Awards: 30
Total Amount Awarded: $10,989,777

Funded Awards
FY Sort ascending Title Original Solicitation Recipient State Award Number Amount Status
2023 Climate, Culture, and Correction Officer Wellness NIJ FY23 Research and Evaluation on Correctional Culture and Climate SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY MA 15PNIJ-23-GG-06104-RESS $960,132 Open
2023 Research & Evaluation of Boston's Community Violence Intervention & Prevention Initiative NIJ FY23 Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention Initiative (CVIPI) Research, Evaluation, and Associated Training & Technical Assistance Support SUFFOLK UNIVERSITY MA 15PNIJ-23-GG-04265-CVIP $328,407 Open
2022 Marijuana Intoxication: Roadside Tool for Law Enforcement to Measure Impaired Peripheral Vision NIJ FY22 Research and Development in Forensic Sciences for Criminal Justice Purposes VALENTI, DENISE A MA 15PNIJ-22-GG-04417-RESS $595,000 Past Project Period End Date
2018 Evaluating program enhancements for mentors working with children of prisoners Legacy OJJDP Research Grants UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS MA 2014-JU-FX-0004 $2,499,597 Closed
2018 The PbS Learning Institute, the Council of Juvenile Correctional Administrators (CJCA), and the VERA Institute of Justice, propose to develop new reentry measurement standards. Legacy OJJDP Research Grants PbS Learning Institute, Inc. MA 2015-CZ-BX-K002 $750,000 Closed
2018 Youth Initiated Mentoring:Investigating an innovative approach to mentoring at-risk youth Legacy OJJDP Research Grants University of Massachussetts Boston MA 2013-JU-FX-0005 $499,323 Closed
2015 Boston Police Department-DNA Capacity Enhancement and Backlog Reduction Program NIJ FY 15 DNA Capacity Enhancement and Backlog Reduction Program City of Boston MA 2015-DN-BX-0099 $283,811 Closed
2015 Implementation Studies: Comprehensive Gang Model Evaluation: Integrating Research Into Practice NIJ FY 15 Social Science Research on Implementation, Dissemination, and Translation Suffolk University MA 2015-R2-CX-0013 $286,740 Closed
2015 Racialized Cues and Support for Justice Reinvestment: A Mixed-Method Study of Public Opinion NIJ FY 15 W.E.B. Du Bois Fellowship for Research in Race, Gender, Culture, and Crime University of Massachusetts Boston MA 2015-IJ-CX-0003 $144,329 Closed
2014 BPD's Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant Project NIJ FY 14 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program City of Boston MA 2014-CD-BX-0019 $175,000 Closed
2014 Massachusetts Evidence Inventory and Innocence Case Review Project NIJ FY 14 Postconviction Testing of DNA Evidence to Exonerate the Innocent Committee for Public Counsel Services MA 2014-DY-BX-K003 $391,345 Closed
2013 FY2013 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program-Boston Police Department NIJ FY 13 DNA Backlog Reduction Program City of Boston MA 2013-DN-BX-0027 $311,809 Closed
2013 Massachusetts Postconviction DNA Testing Assistance Program NIJ FY 13 Postconviction DNA Testing Assistance Program Committee for Public Counsel Services MA 2013-DY-BX-K006 $613,205 Closed
2012 Boston Police Department Forensic Group Improvement Project NIJ FY 12 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program City of Boston MA 2012-CD-BX-0073 $63,546 Closed
2012 FY2012 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program - Boston Police Department NIJ FY 12 DNA Backlog Reduction Program City of Boston MA 2012-DN-BX-0092 $312,244 Closed
2011 An Examination of the "Marriage Effect" on Desistance from Crime among U.S. Immigrants NIJ FY 11 W.E.B. DuBois Fellowship Program University of Massachusetts Boston MA 2011-IJ-CX-0002 $99,149 Closed
2011 FY2011 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program - Boston Police Department NIJ FY 11 DNA Backlog Reduction Program City of Boston MA 2011-DN-BX-K424 $371,006 Closed
2010 Boston Police Department Firearms Analysis Section Improvement Project FY2010 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program City of Boston MA 2010-CD-BX-0074 $172,574 Closed
2010 Boston Police Department FY10 DNA Backlog Reduction Program NIJ FY 10 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program City of Boston MA 2010-DN-BX-K122 $307,967 Closed
2009 Boston Police Department FY09 Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Program NIJ FY 09 Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grant Program City of Boston MA 2009-CD-BX-0099 $125,000 Closed
2009 Boston Police Department Predictive Policing Project NIJ FY09 Predictive Policing Demonstration and Evaluation Program City of Boston MA 2009-DE-BX-K219 $200,000 Closed
2009 FY2009 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program - City Of Boston NIJ FY 09 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program Formula Grant Program City of Boston MA 2009-DN-BX-K154 $312,794 Closed
2008 FY2008 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program - Boston Police Department NIJ FY 08 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program Formula Grant Announcement City of Boston MA 2008-DN-BX-K121 $351,378 Closed
2007 Boston Police Crime Laboratory DNA Backlog Reduction 2007 NIJ FY 07 Forensic DNA Backlog Reduction Program Formula Grant Announcement City of Boston MA 2007-DN-BX-K170 $346,720 Closed
2007 Boston Police Forensic Technology Division: Forensic Science Improvement NIJ FY 07 Paul Coverdell Forensic Science Improvement Grants Program City of Boston MA 2007-CD-BX-0066 $95,000 Closed