The overall aim Is to conduct a longitudinal follow-up of participants (mistreatment victims and matched nonvictims) identified in the first National Elder Mistreatment Study (NEMS) to compliment our original prevalence findings with findings on consequences of elder mistreatment and financial exploitation in terms of Criminal Justice System (CJS) participation and mental health, the latter of which appears to affect participation. To date, no nationally representative, epidemiologic data eldst to determine factors that predict CJS par11cipaUon following elder mistreatment, or whether ecological factors (community resources) or health/mental health outcomes of mistreatment (depression) influence participation.
Specific Aims are:
1. To re-assess participants from the NEMS to identify factors related to CJS participation
2. To examine effects of, and relations between multiple vs single forms of elder mistreatment (e.g., financial abuse vs financial abuse + physical abuse) on CJS participation and mental health.
3 To compare mental health outcomes across types of mistreatment and between those who have and have not experienced mistreatment.
4 To examine the interplay between mental health outcomes and CJS participation.
Participants will be approximately 342 mistreatment victims (50% of the original total) and 500 matched (age and gender) non-victims age 64 and older recruited from among the 5,777 original subjects of the NEMS, fluent in either English or Spanish, and not suffering from dementia.
Follow-up longitudinal study using NEMS mistreatment victims and NEMS matched non-victims. Assessment via Computer Assisted Telephone lnterviewing procedures identical to those employed in the first wave of the
Descriptive prevalence estimates of new victimization will be outlined, followed by bi-varlate risk protective factor analyses for new mistreatment, CJS participation, and mental health outcomes. Multivariate logistic regression and linear regression analyses will be employed to clarify risk relationships and the effects of mental health outcomes following victimization on CJS participation and outcomes.
Expected products include an extensive elder mistreatment and outcomes data set, variable codebook, and survey instrument, detailed final reports, data·based presentations, and scholarly articles. In addition, a file
containing computed variables will be delivered. These variables will also be labeled, and the labeling convention
will include computational formulas. Moreover, the programming prose used to compute the variables (e g., the
syntax) will also be supplied.
Note: This project contains a research and/or development component, as defined in applicable law.