Following are articles published by the National Institute of Justice
Postmortem CT Scans Supplement and Replace Full Autopsies
As medical examiner and coroner offices nationwide face a severe shortage of forensic pathologists, New Mexico has pioneered the use of CT scans to reduce autopsy numbers and reduce costs.
Research Rooted in Machine Learning Challenges Conventional Thinking About the Pathways to Violent Extremism
NIJ-funded research challenges some common assumptions about what motivates young people to engage in violent extremism.
Tapping Into Artificial Intelligence
Advanced Technology to Prevent Crime and Support Reentry
Specialized Smartphones Could Keep Released Persons on Track for Successful Reentry
A new line of research envisions mobile devices tapping into artificial intelligence to make reentry more efficient and more likely to succeed for those reentering supervisors, their supervisors, and communities.
Director's Message - NIJ Journal Issue No. 280
Using Artificial Intelligence to Address Criminal Justice Needs
NIJ is committed to realizing the full potential of artificial intelligence to promote public safety and reduce crime.