Following are articles published by the National Institute of Justice
Addressing Contraband in Prisons and Jails as the Threat of Drone Deliveries Grows
Five Things About Reentry
NIJ-Funded Research Examines What Works for Successful Reentry
Caring for Those In Custody
Identifying high-priority needs to reduce mortality in correctional facilities
Contraband Detection Technology: A Market Survey
Managed Access Systems Can Prevent Contraband Cellphone Use
If contraband cellphones make it into a facility, managed access systems can prevent their use.
Correctional Officer Safety and Wellness — What We Learned from the Research Literature
A new NIJ-supported paper identifies risks officers confront, assesses officers’ perspectives on workplace risk, notes key limitations in the research literature, and recommends policies designed to enhance officer well-being.
Contraband Detection Devices, What the Market Has to Offer
A new report summarizes vendor-provided information.
New Paper Looks at the Use and Impact of Correctional Programming for Inmates on Pre- and Post-Release Outcomes
State and federal prisons have long provided programming to inmates during their confinement. These programs aim to improve prisoner behavior, both before and after their release from prison.
Hidden Consequences: The Impact of Incarceration on Dependent Children
Children of incarcerated parents face profound and complex threats to their emotional, physical, educational, and financial well-being.