Victim attitudes
It All Just Piles Up: Challenges to Victim Credibility Accumulate to Influence Sexual Assault Case Processing
Effect of Prior Police Contact on Victimization Reporting Results From the Police-Public Contact and National Crime Victimization Surveys
Sexual Assault and Current Mental Health: The Role of Help-Seeking and Police Response
Criminal Victimization: Lifetime Prevalence, Reporting to Police and Psychological Impact
Disclosure of Sexual Assault Experiences Among Undergraduate Women at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
Some Unexpected Effects of a Police Service for Victims
Fear and Expectations: Differences Among Female Victims of Domestic Violence Who Come to the Attention of the Police
Predicting Women's Perceptions of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Agency Helpfulness: What Matters to Program Clients?
The Neurobiology of Sexual Assault: Implications for Law Enforcement, Prosecution, and Victim Advocacy
Dr. Campbell brings together research on the neurobiology of trauma and the criminal justice response to sexual assault. She explains the underlying neurobiology of traumatic events, its emotional and physical manifestation, and how these processes can impact the investigation and prosecution of sexual assaults. Real-world, practical implications are examined for first responders, such as law enforcement, nurses, prosecutors, and advocates.
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Civil Protection Order Enforcement
T.K. Logan discusses her study that looked at the impact of civil protective orders for domestic violence victims in five Kentucky jurisdictions. Civil protective orders, sometimes known as restraining orders, may cover various situations, such as ordering an assailant to avoid a victim's home and workplace or forbidding any contact with the victim, including by mail or telephone.
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Crime File: Victims
One of the series of videotapes from the 'Crime File' public affairs program, this video on victims uses a panel interview and other interview segments in considering crime victims' needs and attitudes, victim compensation, victim impact statements, and measures for improving victim services.
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