Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
Finding the Missing and Unidentified: The Application of Predictive Modeling, Ground-Penetrating Radar, and Small Unmanned Aircraft-Mounted Infrared Imagery for the Detection of Unmarked Graves
Evaluation of Terrestrial and Aerial Remote Sensing with Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (SUAS) for Forensic Crime-Scene Reconstruction
NIJ FY 14 Online Flight Data and Incident Reporting System for Public Safety Use of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS)
NIJ seeks proposals to develop, host, and maintain a web-based, online flight data and incident reporting system to, subject to law enforcement and national security concerns and limitations: (1) collect fight-operations data from law enforcement and other public safety agencies from their use of sUAS (defined as UAS weighing less than 55 lbs.); and to (2) make that information publically available for analysis by entities...