Specialty courts
Seven Common Characteristics of Juvenile Mental Health Courts
NIJ Multisite Impact and Cost-Efficiency Evaluation of Veterans Treatment Courts
Effectiveness of a Mental Health Court in Reducing Criminal Recidivism and Violence.
A Randomized Pilot of the Engaging Moms Program for Family Drug Court
NIJ FY22 NIJ Multisite Impact and Cost-Efficiency Evaluation of Veterans Treatment Courts
Combating Domestic Violence: Findings From an Evaluation of a Local Domestic Violence Court
Identifying Those Who Served - Modeling Potential Participant Identification in Veterans Treatment Courts
Reentry Court Initiative: Court-Based Strategies for Managing Released Prisoners
Reentry Court Evaluation
Prosecuting Cases of Elder Abuse
This panel will feature NIJ-funded research that has direct, practical implications for the prosecution of elder abuse cases. Panelists will present findings from a study of prosecutors in three states that examined the factors that influenced their decisions to prosecute elder financial abuse cases. The panel will also provide the results from an evaluation of five innovative court-based models that target perpetrators of elder abuse.