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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Social and Behavioral Science

How Prepared Are Schools?

June 2020

How prepared are schools for emergencies? Dr. Silva discusses her NIJ-funded research that looked at whether or not federal guidelines were reaching schools; the levels of emergency preparedness at the state, district, and school level; what we can learn from well-prepared schools, both best practices and challenges.

Implementing a School Tip Line? New Research Provides a Blueprint

Date Published
June 29, 2020

Tip lines make possible confidential reporting of threats and problems and may benefit schools beset by safety and crime threats. More studies are needed on their effectiveness, but a new tip line toolkit instructs schools on how they work.

Advances in Investigative Techniques: Drug Monitoring Programs

March 2020

Lieutenant Piotrowski, New Jersey State Police, discusses drug monitoring programs. With this program, his agency collects multiple drug-related data sets to ultimately have an impact on mitigating the impact of drugs in his community. Topics include the benefits of implementing a drug monitoring program, some of the outcomes of the program, and how federal funding can help an agency start such a program.

Lieutenant Piotrowski participated in an NIJ Day panel at the 2019 International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference and Expo.