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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

School violence

School Violence

Keeping K-12 schools and students safe from violence calls for multiple strategies to prevent violence and, if it occurs, reduce the chances it will happen again. These strategies should be based in knowledge of the factors contributing to violence at school.

On this page, find links to articles, awards, events, publications, and multimedia related to school violence.

NIJ-Funded Research on Mass Shootings to Advance Evidence-Based Policy and Practice

November 2021

Mass public shootings continue to threaten communities in the United States, yet research on this criminal phenomenon is limited. In this full thematic panel, renowned experts will present a series of research projects summarizing NIJ-funded research projects’ newest findings on public mass shootings. The discussion will focus on NIJ’s investment to address the phenomenon of mass shootings through innovative study approaches to advance our understanding of mass shootings and inform prevention efforts. The implications of this research to criminal justice will also be discussed.