Linking emergency care and police department data to strengthen timely information on violence-related paediatric injuries
Gunshot Detection Technology Effect on Gun Violence in Kansas City, Missouri: A Microsynthetic Control Evaluation
Evolution of LIBS technology to mobile instrumentation for expediting firearm-related investigations at the laboratory and the crime scene
Effects of building demolitions on firearm violence in Detroit, Michigan
Some Characteristics of Larceny by Coercion in the Republic of Croatia and Police Routine
Preliminary Results of a Study on Robberies in Slovenia--Police Investigation and Crime Prevention Aspects (From Policing in Central and Eastern Europe: Dilemmas of Contemporary Criminal Justice, P 407-415, 2004, Gorazd Mesko, et al., eds. -- See NCJ-207973)
Basic Problems of Robbery Detection (From Policing in Central and Eastern Europe: Dilemmas of Contemporary Criminal Justice, P 360-366, 2004, Gorazd Mesko, et al., eds. -- See NCJ-207973)
Simulation for Theory Testing and Experimentation: An Example Using Routine Activity Theory and Street Robbery
Influence of Crack Cocaine on Robbery, Burglary, and Homicide Rates: A Cross-City, Longitudinal Analysis
Effects of Directed Patrol and Self-Initiated Enforcement on Firearm Violence: A Randomized Controlled Study of Hot Spot Policing
Physical Abuse, Sexual Victimization, and Marijuana/Hashish and Cocaine Use Over Time: A Structural Analysis Among a Cohort of High Risk Youths
Problem-Oriented Policing in Public Housing: Identifying the Distribution of Problem Places
Top Ten Types of Robbers Imprisoned in Massachusetts
On the Limits of Social Control: Structural Deterrence and the Policing of "Suppressible" Crimes
Effects of the Police on Crime - A Second Look
Improving the Investigation, Clearance Rates, and Victim Restoration of Robberies: A Randomized Controlled Experiment
Opening the Black Box of NIBIN
Bill King discusses the operations of the National Integrated Ballistic Information Network (NIBIN), a program through which firearms examiners at state and local crime laboratories compare tool marks on fired bullets or cartridges found at a crime scene to digitized images of ballistic evidence in a nationwide database.
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Economical Crime Control: Perspectives from Both Sides of the Ledger
The surge in incarceration since 1980 has been fueled in part by the mistaken belief that the population can be divided neatly into "good guys" and "bad guys." In fact, crime rates are not determined by the number of at-large criminals, any more than farm production is determined by the number of farmers. Crime is a choice, a choice that is influenced by available opportunities as much as by character. This perspective, drawn from economic theory, supports a multi-faceted approach to crime control. Dr.
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Situational Approaches to Making Communities and Correction Institutions Safer
NIJ Conference panelists will present the results of three studies that applied situational crime prevention (SCP) principles: (1) an evaluation of the Safe City initiative in Chula Vista, Calif., designed to combine the expertise and resources of local law enforcement, retailers and the community to increase the safety of designated retail areas; (2) a randomized controlled trial (in partnership with the Washington Metro Transit Police) that assessed the effectiveness of SCP to reduce car crime in Metro's parking facilities; and (3) an evaluation of the impact of SCP
Sex Offenders in the Community: Post-Release, Registration, Notification and Residency Restrictions
The management of sexual offenders in the community post-release is an issue of increasing concern to law enforcement, policymakers and the public. In recent years, efforts to strengthen registration and notification have been enhanced. At the same time, comparatively little attention has been paid to related matters, such as how residency restrictions may impact offenders' efforts to find stable work and living arrangements once they are released from prison, whether rates of recidivism have changed, and whether these policies increase the safety of potential victims.