Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships
Desistance From Crime: Implications for Research, Policy, and Practice
Most scholars would agree that desistance from crime – the process of ceasing engagement in criminal activities – is normative. However, there is variability in the literature regarding the definition and measurement of desistance, the signals of desistance, the age at which desistance begins, and the underlying mechanisms that lead to desistance. Even with considerable advances in the theoretical understanding of desistance from crime, there remain critical gaps between research and the application of that research to practice.
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Campus Sexual Assault Responses (CSAR): Informing Trauma-Informed Policies, Protocols, and Training
Improving the Forensic Documentation of Injuries through Alternate Light: A Researcher-Practitioner Partnership
Using Social Network and Spatial Analysis to Understand and Address Fentanyl Distribution Networks in Americas Largest Port City
AI Enabled Community Supervision for Criminal Justice Services
How Collaboration Between Researchers and Police Chiefs Can Improve the Quality of Sexual Assault Investigations: A Look at Los Angeles
Panelists discuss the application of research findings from an NIJ-sponsored study of sexual assault attrition to police practice in Los Angeles. There are three main focal points: (1) the mutual benefits of researcher/practitioner partnerships, (2) the implications of variation in police interpretation of UCR guidelines specific to clearing sexual assault (with an emphasis on cases involving nonstrangers), and (3) the content of specialized training that must be required for patrol officers and detectives who respond to and investigate sex crimes.
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Cognitive Behavioral Mentoring: Investigation of Research-Informed Enhancements to Program Practices
Evaluation of Using Telehealth for Opioid Use Disorders in a Correctional Setting
Evidence-Based Policing: The Importance of Research and Evidence
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Mentoring Research Partners Program: Evaluating Impact, Program Practices, and Implementation on High-Risk Youth
Cognitive Behavioral Mentoring: Investigation of Research-Informed Enhancements to Program Practices
Cognitive Behavioral Mentoring: Investigation of Research-Informed Enhancements to Program Practices
NIJ FY 15 Building and Enhancing Criminal Justice Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships
NIJ is seeking proposals for criminal justice research and evaluation that includes a researcher-practitioner partnership component. Through researcher-practitioner partnerships, criminal justice practitioners can gain new skills in assessing programs and measuring outcomes. Likewise, criminal justice researchers can better understand the goals and purposes criminal justice practitioners seek to achieve. Ultimately, these partnerships provide criminal justice practitioners with practice- and policy-relevant information while affording researchers the...
Integrating Emergency Department Data with Law Enforcement, Emergency Medical Service and Community Data to Reduce Violence
Cognitive Behavioral Interventions for Medium- and High-Risk Juvenile Offenders: A Statewide Randomized Controlled Trial in Virginia
Evaluating Medicaid Access for Halfway House Residents: A Research Partnership with the Connecticut Department of Corrections
The prosecution of child sexual abuse: A partnership to improve outcomes
Evaluating program enhancements for mentors working with children of prisoners
Application for the Translational Criminology Research Fellowship
A Process and Impact Evaluation of The Veterans Moving Forward Program: Best Practices, Outcomes, and Cost-Effectiveness
Translational Criminology: Research and Public Policy
How Collaboration Between Researchers and Police Chiefs Can Improve the Quality of Sexual Assault Investigations: A Look at Los Angeles
NIJ FY 14 Building and Enhancing Criminal Justice Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships
NIJ is seeking proposals for multiple criminal justice research projects involving researcher-practitioner partnerships as well as capturing detailed descriptions of these collaborations. While other NIJ solicitations often encourage researcher-practitioner partnerships, this solicitation directly focuses on supporting criminal justice research and evaluation activities that include a researcher-practitioner partnership component. Within the context of the proposed research or evaluation project, the partnerships can be new or ongoing...