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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.


Policing in Transition

I am deeply honored that you invited me to address this impressive gathering of international experts and scholars here in the beautiful city of Budapest. As Director of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), the research arm of the U.S. Department of Justice, I am particularly excited about the potential for a continuing dialogue between my colleagues and the practitioners and researchers who are gathered...

Addressing Drug Abuse in the Justice Context: The Promise and the Challenge

Dear Colleagues:

I am very honored to be with you this morning and to share the platform with Alan Leshner, my friend and colleague. He and I have recognized the important relationships between the research agendas of our two institutes and have made progress toward a new chapter of collaboration between NIDA and NIJ. It is certainly consistent with the theme of this conference that...

Plenary Presentation to the American Society of Criminology

Dear Colleagues:

I am pleased to have this opportunity to speak to you about the important issue of the relationship between research and policy and practice. This is a timely topic, particularly since the American Society of Criminology has chosen as its theme this year "Crime, Justice and Public Policy: Examining Our Past and Envisioning Our Future" and since this conference is being held in...

Technology in Criminal Justice: Creating the tools for transformation

Good morning:

I am very pleased to be with you this morning to discuss the challenges of technology that are facing the criminal justice system. Your invitation to speak with you has provided me and my colleagues at the National Institute of Justice a welcome opportunity to step back from our day-to-day activities at NIJ to reflect on the role of technology as a transforming...

Thinking About Prevention: Are We Asking the Right Questions? Hans W. Mattick Lecture

Dear friends and colleagues; with thanks to hosts.

I wish to thank you for your very kind invitation to spend the day with students, faculty and colleagues at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Over the years, NIJ has developed deep and productive partnerships with individual researchers. The new challenge we have embraced is to forge new relationships between the Institute and the leading academic...

Exemption Request Information

While an exemption request may not be the most expeditious way to meet the requirements of this rule, the regulation for Protection of Human Subjects, 28 CFR Part 46 §46.101(b)(1)-(6), defines categories of research involving human subjects that are exempt from its provisions. It is important to note that these exemptions do not apply to studies involving incarcerated persons, fetuses, pregnant women, or human in...

Informed Consent Requirements

Informed consent is a process in which the researcher provides sufficient information, in an understandable format, to the research subjects so that they can make a voluntary decision whether or not to participate in the study. The informed consent process is fundamental in ensuring respect for persons and should serve to educate the subject about the research, the benefits and risks, and the voluntary nature...