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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Research and development

NIJ FY 15 Research on Bias Crime Victimization

Closing Date

NIJ is seeking proposals for research and evaluation relating to bias crime (a.k.a. hate crime) victimization. As compared with analogous crimes, bias crime is associated with more negative outcomes for victims and communities. NIJ is particularly interested in funding research to:  Develop and test screening and/or assessment tools to identify bias crime victims.Conduct localized victimization surveys using new and innovative sampling strategies to understand hate crime...

NIJ FY 15 Social Science Research on Implementation, Dissemination, and Translation

Closing Date

NIJ seeks proposals for funding projects to study how criminal justice practitioners use research in their decision-making processes and how they implement evidence-based programs or practices. NIJ proposes two distinct research activities under this solicitation.Incorporating the Use of Research in Policy Decisions.Implementation Studies. Applicants may apply to one or both sections of the solicitation; however, proposal titles should clearly identify the section of the solicitation...

NIJ FY 15 Research and Evaluation on Children Exposed to Violence

Closing Date

NIJ is seeking multidisciplinary research and evaluation proposals related to childhood exposure to violence. Such violence may include children who are direct victims and/or bystanders or observers of various forms of violence in the home, school, or community, including but not limited to peer victimization, bullying, harassment, child maltreatment, domestic violence, and community violence. Other types of violence to which children are exposed may be...

NIJ FY 15 Research and Development in Forensic Science for Criminal Justice Purposes

Closing Date

NIJ is seeking proposals for basic or applied research and development projects that will:Increase the body of knowledge to guide and inform forensic science policy and practice or;Result in the production of useful materials, devices, systems, or methods that have the potential for forensic application. The intent of this program is to direct the findings of basic scientific research, research and development in broader scientific...

NIJ FY 15 Research and Evaluation on the Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of Elderly Individuals

Closing Date

NIJ is seeking proposals for research and evaluation related to the abuse, neglect, and exploitation of elderly individuals. As the elderly population grows, crimes against this population are expected to increase. NIJ will be particularly interested in funding research to:

  • Determine an estimate of the financial costs associated with elder abuse.
  • Develop a taxonomy of case outcomes that can be used to define success from...

NIJ FY 15 Research and Evaluation on Violence Against Women: Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Violence

Closing Date

​NIJ is seeking proposals for research and evaluation on violence against women, and specifically intimate partner and sexual violence. For example, NIJ is interested in proposals to examine the effectiveness of specialized police and court-based units, services, and methods related to intimate partner and sexual violence. NIJ is also interested in research on the development, adaptation, and testing of screening tools used for the identification...

NIJ FY 15 Research and Evaluation on the Investigation and Adjudication of Campus Sexual Assault

Closing Date

NIJ is seeking proposals for research and evaluation related to the investigation and adjudication of sexual assaults on college and university campuses. The White House Task Force to Protect Students From Sexual Assault identified a need to improve understanding of current practices in campus investigation and judicial decision-making involving student-on-student sexual assault. In response, NIJ is seeking proposals to examine:

  • Current or new investigation practices...

NIJ FY 15 Research on the Efficacy of Different Contraband Interdiction Modalities Used in Correctional Facilities

Closing Date
NIJ is seeking proposals to conduct research to identify the different interdiction modalities currently used by agencies to keep contraband out of their facilities and what is known about their efficacy. An interdiction modality is considered to include both (1) the policies and practices that agencies use to prevent contraband from being brought into a facility as well as (2) those used to detect and...

NIJ FY 15 Research into the Use of Suicide Prevention and Intervention Strategies by Law Enforcement Agencies

Closing Date

With this solicitation, NIJ seeks proposals for innovative, rigorous research to identify and characterize the suicide prevention and intervention strategies currently being used by law enforcement agencies in the United States and, potentially, elsewhere. NIJ is particularly interested in understanding the rational e for the adoption of a particular strategy and what evidence may exist regarding its efficacy

NIJ FY 15 Graduate Research Fellowship Program in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Closing Date
NIJ is seeking proposals for innovative doctoral dissertation research in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics that is relevant to providing solutions to better ensure public safety, prevent and control crime, and ensure the fair and impartial administration of criminal justice in the United States. The NIJ Graduate Research Fellowship in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics provides awards to accredited academic institutions to support such graduate...