Process validation
A Data-Informed Response to Emerging Drugs
The emerging drug crisis in the U.S. touches both criminal justice and public health, and experts from both fields came together at NIJ’s 2023 National Research Conference to discuss strategies and tools to fight this problem. Dr. Frances Scott, NIJ scientist and program manager, continues the conference discussion with two fellow panelists: Ciena Bayard, the Method Development and Validation Program Manager for D.C. Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, and Haley Greene, the Deputy Epidemiologist for the Central Region for the Virginia Department of Health. Read the transcript.
Internal Validation of the Applied Biosystems® AmpFlSTR® Yfiler™ Amplification Kit on an Applied Biosystems® 3130 Genetic Analyzer
Internal Validation of the AmpFℓSTR® Identifiler® Plus PCR Amplification Kit and Comparison to Identifiler® for the Boston Police Department Crime Laboratory
Introduction to Touch DNA Evidence for Sexual Assault Groping Cases Video Series
Production of high-fidelity electropherograms results in improved and consistent DNA interpretation: Standardizing the forensic validation process
Working Towards Implementation of Whole Genome Mitochondrial DNA Sequencing into Routine Casework
Bayesian regression analysis of stutter in DNA mixtures
Funding Opportunities for Publicly Funded Crime Labs, Fiscal Year 2017
This webinar will inform the audience of the changes to three programs available for publicly funded forensic laboratories and introduce a new program for FY 2017. Changes to existing programs will be highlighted and presenters will discuss the background and goals of the solicitations, recommendations for successful applications, application expectations and requirements, the review process, and the application checklist. There will also be time for questions and answers at the end of the webinar.
Solicitations discussed include:
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