Physically handicapped
Quasi-experimental evaluation of contraband interdiction technologies
Application of a Modified 3D-PCSI-MS Ion Source to On-Site, Trace Evidence Processing via Integrated Vacuum Collection
Contextual Information Management: An Example of Independent-Checking in the Review of Laboratory-based Bloodstain Pattern Analysis
Direct Analysis in Real Time-Mass Spectrometry and Kohonen Artificial Neural Networks for Species Identification of Larva, Pupa and Adult Life Stages of Carrion Insects
An interlaboratory study to evaluate the utility of gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-infrared spectroscopy spectral libraries in the forensic analysis of fentanyl-related substances
Empirical Analysis of Saw Mark Characteristics in Human Bone: Meeting Forensic Standards in Dismemberment Cases
Enhanced Genetic Analysis of Single Human Bioparticles Recovered by Simplified Micromanipulation from Forensic 'Touch DNA' Evidence
The Impact of Correctional CCTV Cameras on Infractions and Investigations: A Synthetic Control Approach to Evaluating Surveillance System Upgrades in a Minnesota Prison
Embedding Biometric Identifiers in 2D Barcodes for Improved Security
Utility of gas chromatography infrared spectroscopy (GC-IR) for the differentiation of isomers of related substances
Kinetically Modeling Total Ion Chromatograms and Extracted Ion Profiles to Identify Ignitable Liquids for Fire Debris Applications
The characterization of disperse dyes in polyester fibers using DART mass spectrometry
Application of Analytical Chemistry to Test the Accuracy of Human Residual Odor Detection by Cadaver Dogs
Urinary Excretion Profile of Cannabinoid Analytes Following Acute Administration of Oral and Vaporized Cannabis in Infrequent Cannabis Users
Optimization and Statistical Testing of Experimental and Computer Methodologies for Evaluation of the LIT-MIA Thermal Imaging Method for Recovery of Defaced Serial Numbers
Discrimination of human and animal blood traces via Raman spectroscopy
Comparative Evaluation of Low- and High-Resolution MS Approaches for Screening and Confirmation of New Psychoactive Substances in Human Specimen Matrices
Sex differences in the acute effects of oral and vaporized cannabis among healthy adults
Assessing the utility of LIBS in the reconstruction of firearm related incidents
Systematic analysis of novel psychoactive substances. II. Development of a screening/confirmatory LC-QqQ-MS/MS method for 800
Preventing Violence and Sexual Assault in Jail: A Situational Crime Prevention Approach
School Safety: A Focus on Teachers and Administrators - Breakout Session, NIJ Virtual Conference on School Safety
On February 16-18, 2021, the National Institute of Justice hosted the Virtual Conference on School Safety: Bridging Research to Practice to Safeguard Our Schools. This video includes the following presentations:
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