Patrol units
Geospatial Technology Helps East Orange Crack Down on Crime
Police Data Base for a Small City/Town Implementing Community Oriented Policing
GPS Applications in Law Enforcement: The SkyTracker Surveillance System, Final Report
Civil Air Patrol Offers Local Support
Policing Domestic Violence in the Post-SARP Era: The Impact of a Domestic Violence Police Unit
Effect of First-Line Supervision on Patrol Officer Job Satisfaction
Tactical Deployment: The Next Great Paradigm Shift in Law Enforcement?
Common Operational Picture Technology in Law Enforcement: Three Case Studies
Using License Plate Readers to Fight Crime
This is a joint panel of NIJ's Office of Research and Evaluation (ORE ) and Office of Science and Technology (OST). Panelists will discuss the latest efforts to implement license plate reader technology into policing operations. OST grantees will explain various aspects of the technology and an ORE grantee from the National Opinion Research Center will present findings from a study on the use of license plate readers to combat auto theft in Arizona.