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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

News and announcements

Public Safety Technology In the News

Date Published
April 2017
Publication Type
Research (Applied/Empirical), Report (Study/Research), Report (Grant Sponsored), Program/Project Description

Supporting Forensic Science Is a Priority at the National Institute of Justice

I have dedicated my life to understanding and preventing violence. From my training as a physician, working on violence prevention at the Centers for Disease Control, and now at NIJ, I have seen the contribution of science to our understanding of how to prevent and address violence and its consequences.

NIJ helped changed the landscape of forensic science through our support of research and development...

Cybercrime Grows Up

Date Published
October 2007
Publication Type
Issue Overview

Opinion: DNA

Date Published
October 2006
Publication Type
Issue Overview

Declining Crime and Our National Research Agenda

Good morning:

I thank you for the invitation to speak with you this morning and thank Mark Kleiman for arranging this impressive gathering. I realize that my trips to the West Coast are all too infrequent and so took advantage of a trip even further west -- to Australia -- to spend a few hours with you and with Peter Greenwood and his colleagues at...

Lessons for the Criminal Justice System from Twenty Years of Policing Reform

Keynote Address I am delighted to be here, home again in New York City, and am particularly honored to be invited to address, "New Beginnings," the first conference of the New York Campaign for Effective Crime Policy.

I commend you for bringing together this wonderfully-broad based coalition -- including judges, legislators, prosecutors, educators, labor leaders, researchers, crime victim advocates, and criminal justice policy experts --...

Technology in Criminal Justice: Creating the tools for transformation

Good morning:

I am very pleased to be with you this morning to discuss the challenges of technology that are facing the criminal justice system. Your invitation to speak with you has provided me and my colleagues at the National Institute of Justice a welcome opportunity to step back from our day-to-day activities at NIJ to reflect on the role of technology as a transforming...