Mug shots
Wrongful Convictions: The Latest Scientific Research & Implications for Law Enforcement
What does science tell us about case factors that can lead to a wrongful conviction? Dr. Jon Gould of American University will discuss the findings of the first large-scale empirical study that has identified ten statistically significant factors that distinguish a wrongful conviction from a "near miss." (A "near miss" is a case in which an innocent defendant was acquitted or had charges dismissed before trial). Following Dr. Gould's presentation, Mr. John R.
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Just Science Podcast: Just Case Studies: Derrick Todd Lee - Baton Rouge Serial Killer
Deep Multi-Factor Forensic Face Recognition
Camera Technology Survey of 3D Offerings and 2D Occlusions
Erroneous Convictions in Criminal Justice
Interview with Jon Gould, Ph.D., Director of the Washington Institute for Public and International Affairs Research, American University.
Dr. Gould discusses:
- Bottom line findings from the study "Predicting Erroneous Convictions: A Social Science Approach to Miscarriages of Justice"
- Ten statistically significant factors related to wrongful convictions
- The role of systemic error and tunnel vision
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