Juvenile health
The Long-term Collateral Consequences of Juvenile Justice Involvement for Females
Reproductive Coercion and Relationship Abuse Among Adolescents and Young Women Seeking Care at School Health Centers
Lack of Health Insurance Among Juvenile Offenders: a Predictor of Inappropriate Healthcare Use and Reincarceration?
A Comprehensive Longitudinal Study of School Violence and the School-to-Prison Pipeline: Root Causes and Consequences of and Implications for Restorative Justice Approaches
Health-related Risks for Involvement in Bullying Among Middle and High School Youth
Research and Evaluation on Gangs and Gang Violence NIJ-2019-15270
Integrated Administrative Data & Criminal Justice Research
States' Roles in Keeping Schools Safe: Opportunities and Challenges for State School Safety Centers and Other Actors
Assessing a Trauma-Informed Decision Protocol for Juvenile Justice Practitioners
Violence Against American Indian and Alaska Native Women and Men: Findings from a National Survey
This seminar provides the first set of estimates from a national large-scale survey of violence against women and men who identified themselves as American Indian or Alaska Native using detailed behaviorally specific questions on psychological aggression, coercive control and entrapment, physical violence, stalking, and sexual violence. These results are expected to raise awareness and understanding of violence experienced by American Indian and Alaska Native people.
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