Genomewide Association Study of African Children Identifies Association of SCHIP1 and PDE8A with Facial Size and Shape
Progress Toward an Efficient Panel of SNPs for Ancestry Inference
Trends in DNA Methylation With Age Replicate Across Diverse Human Populations
Just Science: DNA: Just Genetic Variation
A DNA Barcoding Strategy for Blow and Flesh Flies Encountered During Medicolegal Casework
Towards Commercialization: Preliminary developmental validation of a high resolution melt curve mixture prediction assay and SVM tool
Quantifying the Accuracy of Two Innovative Forensic Genetic Identification Techniques: Genealogical Searching and Low-Template DNA Mixture Analysis
Sexual Assault: Obtaining DNA From Evidence Collected up to a Week Later
Technological advances have made it possible to detect male DNA in evidentiary samples collected several days after a sexual act has taken place. Panelists will present the research that has led to these findings, followed by a discussion of the potential impact of this work from the perspectives of the sexual assault nurse examiner (SANE) and the crime laboratory communities.