Enabling the Enablers: An Identity Fraud Solution for Law Enforcement
Supplemental Fraud Survey (Bureau of Justice Statistics)
The National Crime Victimization Survey’s (NCVS) Supplemental Fraud Survey (SFS) collects data on the experiences of adults across seven types of personal financial fraud during the preceding 12 months. It also collects information on victim characteristics, and whether the incident was reported to police or others.
Recover Me if You Can: Assessing Services to Victims of Identity Theft
Understanding Identity Theft: Offenders' Accounts of Their Lives and Crimes
Risky Remote Purchasing and Identity Theft Victimization Among Older Internet Users
Self-Rated Poor Health and Loneliness in Late Adulthood - Testing the Moderating Role of Familial Ties
Prevention of Financial Abuse Among Elders Affected by Cognitive Decline: A Randomized Controlled Trial In Three Rural Communities
Using Physician Behavioral Big Data for High Precision Fraud Prediction and Detections
Mass Marketing Elder Fraud Intervention
Enhancing Corporate Crime Enforcement with Machine Learning--A Multidisciplinary Risk Factor Approach
White Collar Crime
The subprime mortgage industry collapse has led to a record number of foreclosures. In this environment, the interest mortgage fraud has risen, along with questions of how fraud contributed to the crisis. Henry Pontell and Sally Simpson discuss what they have learned about investigating and prosecuting white-collar criminals, the role of corporate ethics in America, and what policymakers and lawyers can learn from evidence of fraud.
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International Organized Crime: Recent Developments in Policy and Research
Since 2008, DOJ has been reviewing its policies and programs on international organized crime, with the goal of strengthening law enforcement's response to this threat. In this NIJ Conference Panel, the speakers will explore how DOJ and other U.S. government agencies are responding to it. Attendees will learn more about the Attorney General's Organized Crime Council, the International Organized Crime Intelligence and Operations Center, and the recent National Intelligence Estimate on International Organized Crime.