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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Forensic sciences

Director's Message: Making Change Happen in Policing

I was honored earlier this month to serve on a panel discussion sponsored by CNA about the changing role of policing, entitled: “Making Change Happen — What Must Be Done.” My specific topic was how NIJ’s investments can help move policing reforms in the right direction. This edition of the Director’s Corner is inspired by the conversation at the event.


Custody Evaluation in Domestic Violence Cases

June 2009

Panelists will examine practices, beliefs and recommendations of professional and custody evaluators in domestic violence cases. Panelists will discuss current NIJ studies that use both qualitative and quantitative methods to assess the impact of personal attitudes and beliefs on custody evaluation.

Making Sense of the DNA Backlog - NIJ Conference Panel

June 2009

Panelists will present findings from two NIJ studies that examined the DNA backlog in law enforcement agencies and crime labs. Panelists will discuss research findings related to new and potential time- and cost-saving approaches.

Director's Message: Bridging the Sciences to Support Cutting-Edge Research — NIJ’s Partnership With the National Science Foundation

This partnership serves as a catalyst to identify cutting-edge areas of research in the area of crime and criminal justice.

At NIJ, we are dedicated to advancing scientific knowledge. Nevertheless, we acknowledge that our agency is only one of several important organizations on the cutting edge of social, technological, and forensic sciences. Therefore, partnerships and collaborations with other federal and nonfederal entities are at the...

Director's Message: Building Knowledge to Make Schools Safer

For many people, the topic of school safety brings to mind recent incidents of gun violence that seized the attention of the nation. Indeed, the Comprehensive School Safety Initiative (CSSI) was conceived in the immediate aftermath of the...

Director's Message: Building Our Next Generation of Researchers

Two students working on a paper
Thinkstock, royalty-free (see reuse policy).

As colleges and universities across the country begin a new academic year, I want to discuss one of my high-priority goals — supporting the research activities of new and emerging scholars. These creative thinkers from a variety of disciplines are proposing innovative ideas to study and solve criminal justice problems. I am proud to offer my support in the form of fellowships and research assistantships...

Director's Message: Developing a Comprehensive Response to Human Trafficking

As Attorney General Lynch has repeatedly said: human trafficking is modern day slavery. This grievous practice exists in contemporary society, and the U.S. is unfortunately no exception. National and worldwide campaigns have raised awareness and attracted attention and resources to this problem, but many questions remain. We still need to know more, for example, about how best to prevent and respond to human...

Director's Message: Making Progress on Understanding and Investigating Sexual Assault

While NIJ is proud of the progress we have made, we know there is still a great deal more to be done to improve sexual assault investigations, provide trauma-informed support to victims, and strengthen the efficiency of sexual assault kit testing.

–Nancy Rodriguez

Sexual assault is a traumatic crime with a wide range of impacts on both the victim and public safety. Over the last...

Director's Message: New National Protocol for Sexual Abuse Medical Forensic Examinations of Prepubescent Children

This protocol strengthens our nation’s response to child sexual abuse and promotes the healing and well-being of these victims.

The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is pleased to support the release of the National Protocol for Sexual Abuse Medical Forensic Examinations, Pediatric (pdf, 233 pages) (Pediatric SAFE Protocol) by the Department of Justice’s Office on Violence Against Women (OVW). The empirical research on the abuse...

Director's Message: New Research Projects Funded in Fiscal Year 2015

One of NIJ’s most crucial tasks as a science agency is making decisions about which research proposals to fund. I’m pleased to report that for fiscal year 2015, NIJ made over $156 million in grant awards to more than 210 research projects. These awards reflect NIJ’s commitment to funding rigorous research that helps practitioners and policymakers make criminal justice decisions based on sound scientific evidence...

Director's Message: NIJ and the Dutch Agree to Work Together to Improve the Use of Forensic Sciences

Dr. John H. Laub, Director

Director's Message: Safety, Health and Wellness Strategic Plan

Planning NIJ’s Future Research Investments

Frequent readers of the Director’s Corner are well aware of my commitment to strengthening NIJ’s scientific endeavors while also strengthening the science that supports the criminal justice system. By advancing multidisciplinary research, connecting researchers and practitioners, and encouraging diversity in our investments, NIJ will be better able to inform our nation’s police officers, judges, lawyers, corrections officers, and policymakers of...

Director's Message: Shining Light on Wrongful Convictions

Every wrongful conviction is a miscarriage of justice that impacts every level of our society, often leading to questions about the fairness of the justice system. Wrongful convictions have a life-long impact on individuals who have been wrongfully convicted, the original victims of crime, and their families. To provide the wrongfully convicted an opportunity to prove their innocence through DNA analysis and to  seek justice...

NIJ’s Intramural Research Initiative

A strong, active science staff is the foundation of a federal science agency, and NIJ is home to a well-trained, multidisciplinary science staff with background and advanced training in numerous fields relevant to the criminal justice system. Such expertise can be useful in many powerful ways. It is essential, for example, in guiding NIJ’s research portfolios; developing new programs of research that capture the lessons...

NIJ Journal Issue 279: Forensic Science

The NIJ Journal, published several times a year, features articles to help criminal justice policymakers and practitioners stay informed about new developments. The NIJ Journal presents research-based information that can help inform policy decisions and improve understanding of the criminal justice system.

Each issue of the NIJ Journal will now focus on a single theme, allowing the articles to dive into one specific topic from...

Identifying the Needs of Public Safety Agencies

Identifying the needs of criminal justice practitioners and agencies plays a critical role in how NIJ sets its agenda.

Key Components of NIJ’s Needs Identification Process

A need is a capability gap...

Impression Evidence: Strengthening the Disciplines of Fingerprints, Firearms, Footwear, and Other Pattern and Impression Sciences Through Research

June 2010

Forensic examinations involving specific forensic science disciplines are typically dependent upon qualitative analyses and expert interpretation of observed patterns based on a scientific foundation, rather than quantitative results. These disciplines include latent fingerprints, questioned documents, footwear, and other forms of impression and pattern evidence.