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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.

Final reports

Post-Award Requirements for Research, Development, and Evaluation Grants

This page is meant as a guide for applicants and award recipients to what is required of NIJ award recipients after an award is made. Award recipients should consult their specific award conditions for additional information. For questions about how these requirements pertain to your specific award, contact your NIJ grant manager.

Standard Forms

All award recipients must submit quarterly financial reports. See the DOJ...

Real-Time Crime Forecasting Challenge Webinar

October 2016

This webinar will offer a brief overview of the National Institute of Justice and the data science needs of the criminal justice field. In addition, it will provide details about the Crime Forecasting Challenge, including who can submit, how to retrieve datasets, and the submission categories. The overall goal of the Crime Forecasting Challenge is to harness recent advances in data science to drive innovation in algorithms that advance place-based crime forecasting.

What Works in Probation and Parole

June 2009

How can we prevent reoffending and reduce costs? Research points to a number of solutions. At the Tuesday plenary, Judge Steven Alm from Hawaii will describe his successes with hard-core drug offenders. “Swift and sure” is his motto. West Virginia Cabinet Secretary James W. Spears will discuss the issues from his state's perspective, and Adam Gelb, Director of the Pew Charitable Trust's Public Safety Performance Project, will lend a national overview.

Custody Evaluation in Domestic Violence Cases

June 2009

Panelists will examine practices, beliefs and recommendations of professional and custody evaluators in domestic violence cases. Panelists will discuss current NIJ studies that use both qualitative and quantitative methods to assess the impact of personal attitudes and beliefs on custody evaluation.