Family courts
The FIT: Family Treatment Court Implementation Tool
The Trouble with Harman and Lorandos’ Parental Alienation Allegations in Family Court Study
Child Custody Outcomes in Cases Involving Parental Alienation and Abuse Allegations
U.S. child custody outcomes in cases involving parental alienation and abuse allegations: what do the data show?
Questioning the Scientific Validity of the Parental Alienation Label in Abuse Cases (From Challenging Parental Alienation: New Directions for Professionals and Parents)
Formative Evaluation of Safe Horizon Family Court Program
A Randomized Pilot of the Engaging Moms Program for Family Drug Court
Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Child Custody Decision-making among Intimate Partner Violence Families
Child Protection and Justice Systems Processing of Serious Child Abuse and Neglect Cases
Socialization to Gangs in St. Louis Project: Background and Executive Summary, Final Report
Civil Protection Orders: The Benefits and Limitations for Victims of Domestic Violence, Final Report
Domestic Violence Courts: What Are They and How Should We Manage Them?
Protection Orders Protect Against Assault and Injury: A Longitudinal Study of Police-Involved Women Victims of Intimate Partner Violence
Increasing Convictions in Domestic Violence Cases: A Field Test in Milwaukee
Outcomes of Custody and Visitation Petitions When Fathers are Restrained by Protection Orders: The Case of the New York Family Courts
Juvenile Detention: The Philadelphia Alternative
Estimating the Population at Risk for Violence During Child Visitation
Specialized Courtrooms: Does Speeding Up the Process Jeopardize the Quality of Justice?
Parental Drug Testing in Child Abuse and Neglect Cases: The Washington, D.C. Experience
Evaluation of Safe Horizon Family Court Program
The Need for Mandatory Domestic Violence Training for Court-Appointed Custody Evaluators
Civil Protection Order Enforcement
T.K. Logan discusses her study that looked at the impact of civil protective orders for domestic violence victims in five Kentucky jurisdictions. Civil protective orders, sometimes known as restraining orders, may cover various situations, such as ordering an assailant to avoid a victim's home and workplace or forbidding any contact with the victim, including by mail or telephone.
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Mothers & Children Seeking Safety in the US: A Study of International Child Abduction Cases Involving Domestic Violence
Since the implementation of the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, thousands of abused women have faced complex litigation after seeking safety in the United States. Many have been court ordered to return their to the country from which they fled and often to their abusive partners custody. The presenters discussed the findings of an NIJ-funded study focusing on the experiences of women who as victims of domestic violence in another country, come to the U.S.
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Reforming New Orleans' Criminal Justice System: The Role of Data and Research
With its criminal justice system in disarray following Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans invited the Vera Institute of Justice to examine the city's court and jail operations. For five years, Vera has been tracking arrest-to-first-appearance time, custodial arrests versus summonses, the granting of pretrial release, and many other decision-making points. Based on analysis of these data, Vera is making policy recommendations to assist with the implementation of new procedures and to ensure performance monitoring.