Evidence-based research
Improving the Identification of and Responses to Victims of Elder Mistreatment
"Philadelphia Focused Deterrence Findings from the Impact Evaluation"
Optimizing Public Surveillance Systems for Crime Control and Prevention: A Guide for Law Enforcement and their Municipal Partners
30 Years of the Violence Against Women Act: Endurance, Expansion, and the Next Era - 2024 NIJ Research Conference
Congress first passed the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in 1994. Since then, the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) has invested several billion dollars to support national, state, and local programs and to advance policies and practices to reduce domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking and increase access to safety, services, and justice for survivors. Over the same period, the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) has made similar investments, and VAWA, OVW and OVC have all supported NIJ in investing extensively in related research.
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Celebrating 10 Years of NIJ’s Law Enforcement Advancing Data and Science (LEADS) Scholars Program - 2024 NIJ Research Conference
In 2014, NIJ established the Law Enforcement Advancing Data and Science (LEADS) Scholars Program to support research-minded, mid-career sworn law enforcement officers working to integrate research into agency policy and practice. The LEADS Scholars Program helps participants develop independent research and provides support to identify current evidence on priority issues.
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Quasi-experimental evaluation of contraband interdiction technologies
Building the Capacity of Community-Facing Agencies to Implement Evidence-Based Practices
Supporting Women’s Reentry from Incarceration: Discussing Promising Practices & Future Research
This webinar focuses on promising practices for women’s reentry success, and how those are being used in the field to support women's reentry prior to and after release. Discussants include representatives from the National Institute of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Prisons, and service organizations.
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Estimating the Impact of Research Practitioner Partnerships on Evidence-based Program Implementation
Technology Use and Constituting Structures: Accounting for the Consequences of Information Technology on Police Organizational Change
Effectiveness of License Plate Readers for Patrol and Investigations
Present but not Prevalent: Identifying the Organizational Correlates of Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships in U.S. Law Enforcement
How Can Research Mediators Better Mediate? The Importance of Inward-Looking Processes
Biodegradation of Representative Ignitable Liquid Components on Soil
A Micro-and Macro Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Extreme Risk Protection Orders in Colorado
Driving Down Gun Violence (Part Two)
Three LEADS Scholars serving in different law enforcement agencies and positions discuss their experiences with identifying and implementing evidence-based interventions to reduce gun violence. NIJ Senior Advisor Dr. Tamara Herold hosts this conversation with guests Police Chief Cecilia Ashe (Milford Delaware Police Department), Chief of Staff Lieutenant Matthew Barter (Manchester, NH Police Department), and Analytical Services Manager Mr. Jason Schiess (Durham, NC Police Department).
Driving Down Gun Violence (Part One)
Three LEADS Scholars serving in different law enforcement agencies and positions discuss their experiences with identifying and implementing evidence-based interventions to reduce gun violence. NIJ Senior Advisor Dr. Tamara Herold hosts this conversation with guests Police Chief Cecilia Ashe (Milford Delaware Police Department), Chief of Staff Lieutenant Matthew Barter (Manchester, NH Police Department), and Analytical Services Manager Mr. Jason Schiess (Durham, NC Police Department).
Campus Sexual Assault Responses (CSAR): Informing Trauma-Informed Policies, Protocols, and Training
Sexual violence is a significant criminal justice problem with long-term effects for its victims. In particular, sexual assault on or related to college campuses across the United States presents a growing public health and economic burden, starting with significant impacts on academic outcomes.
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Building the Evidence Base
What is evidence-based research? Why is it important to measure program activities and impacts and what are some strategies to do so? How can research be used to support engagement and empowerment for historically marginalized and underserved communities? Find answers in an recorded discussion moderated by Linda A. Seabrook, Senior Counsel for Racial Justice & Equity for OJP, with a panel of distinguished experts in the field.
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Building the Evidence Base
Forensic Technology Center of Excellence's Annual Metrics Report and Infographics
Five Things About Juvenile Delinquency Intervention and Treatment
The Evidence of Effectiveness: Beyond the Methodological Standards
NIJ-Funded Research on Mass Shootings to Advance Evidence-Based Policy and Practice
Mass public shootings continue to threaten communities in the United States, yet research on this criminal phenomenon is limited. In this full thematic panel, renowned experts will present a series of research projects summarizing NIJ-funded research projects’ newest findings on public mass shootings. The discussion will focus on NIJ’s investment to address the phenomenon of mass shootings through innovative study approaches to advance our understanding of mass shootings and inform prevention efforts. The implications of this research to criminal justice will also be discussed.
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