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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.


NIJ FY 13 Native American Crime, Victimization and Justice Studies: Postdoctoral Fellowship

Closing Date

NIJ seeks proposals for the funding of one or more postdoctoral Native American Studies Research Fellowships to applicants who show the greatest potential for future achievement as scholars and researchers, and who can demonstrate experience relevant to the unique demands of working with tribal communities, including experience working in Indian Country and Alaska Native villages. As the principal research agency within the Department, NIJ is...

NIJ FY 13 Study of the Use of Residential Substance Abuse Treatment for State Prisoners Program Funds on Aftercare Services

Closing Date
NIJ seeks proposals for a study of the use of funds on aftercare services by the Department of Justice under the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment (RSAT) Program. The RSAT for State Prisoners Program funds formula grants to all 56 States and U.S. territories for support of residential, jail-based, and aftercare treatment services delivered to offenders with substance abuse problems by State and local providers. In...

NIJ FY 13 Research and Evaluation on the Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of Elderly Individuls and Residents of Residential Care Facilities

Closing Date

NIJ seeks proposals for research and evaluation related to abuse, neglect, and exploitation of elderly individuals and residents of residential care facilities. Research proposed may be focused at the State, local, tribal, Federal, or juvenile criminal justice policy, and practice levels. NIJ is interested in proposals that address gaps in the ability to prevent, detect, and respond to abuse, neglect, and exploitation of elderly individuals...

NIJ FY 13 Research and Evaluation on Children Exposed to Violence

Closing Date

NIJ seeks proposals for multidisciplinary research and evaluation related to childhood exposure to violence. In particular, NIJ seeks proposals to address polyvictimization, Internet harassment/electronic aggression (e.g, bullying through Facebook, harassing e-mails), resilience, or justice system responses to children identified as being exposed to violence. For the purposes of this solicitation, Children Exposed to Violence (CEV) encompasses a broad area that includes children as both direct...