Elementary school age (5-10)
Paternity Testing Using Massively Parallel Sequencing and the PowerSeq (TM) AUTO/Y System for Short Tandem Repeat Sequencing
Deep-Coverage MPS Analysis of Heteroplasmic Variants Within the mtGenome Allows for Frequent Differentiation of Maternal Relatives
IPV and the Intergenerational Transmission of Violence
Long-Term Impact Evaluation of Specialized Sex Offender Probation Programs in Lake, DuPage and Winnebago Counties
The development and pilot testing of a family treatment court best practices assessment: The model standards implementation scale
Developmental Consequences of Intimate Partner Violence on Children
Prevalence of online sexual offenses against children in the US
Investigation of 74 microhaplotypes for kinship testing in US populations
Mother-Child Language Style Predicts Internalizing Behaviors in Children Exposed to Intimate Partner Violence
The Impact of Parent-Child Closeness and Romantic Attachment on Dating Violence Perpetration in Adolescence
What Can Elder Mistreatment Researchers Learn About Primary Prevention From Family Violence Intervention Models?
Estimating Age of Death from Subadult Remains (Part One)
The long-standing problem of estimating the age and sex of subadult skeletal remains has been significantly "solved" with the advances in understanding the growth and development patterns in the skeletons of young people. Kyra Stull, an anthropologist and forensic researcher at University of Nevada, Reno, and Danielle McLeod-Henning, a physical scientist at NIJ, share more about this research with NIJ writer and host Jim Dawson.
Reading and Resources