Drug possession
School Safety Considerations for Distinct Student Populations - Breakout Session, NIJ Virtual Conference on School Safety
On February 16-18, 2021, the National Institute of Justice hosted the Virtual Conference on School Safety: Bridging Research to Practice to Safeguard Our Schools. This video includes the following presentations:
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Field Investigation Drug Officer (FIDO) Program - A Technology Transition Workshop
Is Job Accessibility Relevant to Crime Patterns? A GIS Approach, Final Report
Is Job Accessibility Relevant to Crime Patterns? A GIS Approach, Summary
Mandating Treatment for Drug Possessors: The Impact of Senate Bill 123 on the Criminal Justice System in Kansas
Adjustment to Prison of Women Convicted of Possession, Trafficking, and Nondrug Offenses
Hierarchical Bayesian Analysis of Arrest Rates
Relationship of Drugs, Drug Trafficking, and Drug Traffickers to Homicide
State Responses to Mass Incarceration
Researchers have devoted considerable attention to mass incarceration, specifically its magnitude, costs, and collateral consequences. In the face of economic constraints, strategies to reduce correctional populations while maintaining public safety are becoming a fiscal necessity. This panel will present strategies that states have undertaken to reduce incarceration rates while balancing taxpayer costs with ensuring public safety.
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Try Again, Fail Again, Fail Better: Lessons from Community Courts
Change doesn't come easy, particularly within an institution as large and complex as the criminal justice system. Greg Berman, Director of the Center for Court Innovation, offered lessons from several efforts to make reform stick in criminal justice settings. In particular, he focused on the development of community courts — experimental court projects that are attempting to reduce both crime and incarceration in dozens of cities across the U.S. and around the world.
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Alternative Sentencing Policies for Drug Offenders - Panel at the 2009 NIJ Conference
Alternative Sentencing Policies for Drug Offenders
The panel presentations from the 2009 NIJ Conference are based on an NIJ-sponsored evaluation of the effectiveness of Kansas Senate Bill 123, which mandates community-based drug abuse treatment for drug possession by nonviolent offenders in lieu of prison.