Drug interdiction
Implementation of NPS Discovery – An Early Warning Systems for Novel Drug Intelligence, Surveillance, Monitoring, Response, and Forecasting using Drug Materials and Toxicology Populations in the US
Interdicting Restructuring Networks with Applications in Illicit Trafficking
Implementation of NPS Discovery – An Early Warning Systems for Novel Drug Intelligence, Surveillance, Monitoring, Response, and Forecasting using Drug Materials and Toxicology Populations in the US
Narcotic Concealment Methods in U.S. Customs and Border Protection and the Emergence of Counterfeit Tablets Containing Fentanyl in the United States
Reducing Drug Use in Prisons: Pennsylvania's Approach
Racial Profiling and Searches: Did the Politics of Racial Profiling Change Police Behavior?
NIJ Journal Issue No. 281
What You Can't Buy, Can't Kill You
Crime File: Drugs - Military Interdiction
Building Drug Intelligence Networks to Combat the Opioid Crisis in Rural Communities: A Collaborative Intelligence-led Policing Strategy
National Institute of Standards and Technology's (NIST's) Dog and Sensor Subcommittee Builds on Achievements by Scientific Working Group for Dog and Orthogonal Detector Guidelines (SWGDOG)
Identifying High Risk Prescribers Using PDMP Data: A Tool For Law Enforcement
Optimizing Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs to Support Law Enforcement Activities
Non-Medical Use of Prescription Drugs: Policy Change, Law Enforcement Activity, and Diversion Tactics
NIJ FY 12 Research on Illegal Prescription Drug Market Interventions
An Experimental Evaluation of the BJA DMI Training and Technical Assistance Initiative
NIJ FY 10 ORE Evaluation of the BJA Drug Market Intervention (DMI) Training and Technical Assistance Initiative
NIJ is seeking applications for a multi-year, multi-site evaluation of the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Drug Market Intervention (DMI) Training and Technical Assistance Initiative. BJA will be supporting training and technical assistance at twelve sites within the United States. NIJ is soliciting applications to provide a comprehensive, rigorous, multi-year, multi-site process, outcome, and impact evaluation of DMI training and technical assistance and model implementation...