Diversion programs
Expanding Mental Health Diversion Opportunities: A Prospective Evaluation of the Los Angeles County Intake Booking Diversion Program
National Scan, Case Studies, and Evaluability Assessments of Restorative Justice Programs for Serious and Violent Harm
Evaluation of the Bronx-Osborne Gun Avoidance Program (BOGAP)
Integrated Law Enforcement and Mental Health Responses in Tucson: An Impact and Cost Benefit Analysis
Evaluation of Harris Center Crisis Call Diversion Program
Juvenile Justice Reforms in Kentucky: Evaluation Findings and Lessons Learned
Expanding Mental Health Diversion Opportunities: A Prospective Evaluation of the Los Angeles County Intake Booking Diversion Program
State Responses to Mass Incarceration
Researchers have devoted considerable attention to mass incarceration, specifically its magnitude, costs, and collateral consequences. In the face of economic constraints, strategies to reduce correctional populations while maintaining public safety are becoming a fiscal necessity. This panel will present strategies that states have undertaken to reduce incarceration rates while balancing taxpayer costs with ensuring public safety.
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What Works in Reentry
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Legal Responses to Human Trafficking:Evaluability Assessments and Future Evaluation Designs
Testing the Efficacy of Pretrial Diversion: A Randomized Trial at the San Francisco Neighborhood Courts
Evaluating Impacts of the Philadelphia Police School Diversion Program: An Alternative to Arrest Policing Strategy
Evaluation of the Philadelphia Police School Diversion Program: Long-Term Outcomes and Sustained Impact
Prostitution and Human Trafficking: Establishing an Evidence-Based Foundation for a Specialized Criminal Justice Response
Prostitution, Human Trafficking, and Victim Identification: Establishing an Evidence-Based Foundation for a Specialized Criminal Justice Response
Research on District Attorneys'' Pretrial Diversion Programs: A Proposal for a Comprehensive Multi-Method Study
Visiting Fellows Program
The Visiting Fellows Program offers criminal justice policymakers, practitioners, and researchers a unique opportunity to participate in research addressing criminal justice issues relevant to the work of NIJ and public policy.
Objective of the Visiting Fellows Program
NIJ's Visiting Fellows Program brings experienced practitioners, policymakers, and — in exceptional circumstances — researchers into residency at NIJ to make important policy and scholarly contributions with practical application to...