Crime prevention
The Economist's Guide to Crime Busting
The old divide between hard and soft strategies is breaking down under a wave of new thinking about how to control crime.
Identity Theft Literature Review
Evaluation of Target's Safe City Initiative: Implementing Public-Private Partnerships to Address Crime in Retail Settings
Movin' Out: Crime Displacement and HUD's HOPE VI Initiative
NIJ FY 12 Evaluation of the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention FY 2010 Second Chance Act Juvenile Offender Reentry Demonstration Projects
NIJ seeks proposals for a comprehensive evaluation of up to five juvenile offender demonstration projects funded under the Second Chance Act of 2007. This solicitation seeks to award a grant to measure the processes, outcomes, costs, and impacts of the juvenile offender reentry programs that received funding in FY 2010 from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), and to assess the effectiveness...
NIJ FY 12 Research and Evaluation on Metropolitan Crime
Assessing Trends and Best Practices of Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Programs, Final Report
NIJ FY 12 Building and Enhancing Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships
NIJ FY 12 Desistance From Crime Over the Life Course
NIJ seeks proposals to conduct research that enhances our knowledge of the process of desistance from crime. Applicants are encouraged to submit proposals that demonstrate bold, innovative approaches to expanding our understanding of the processes underlying desistance from crime.