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An official website of the United States government, Department of Justice.


NIJ FY09 Building and Enhancing Research Researcher-Practitioner/Policymaker Partnerships

Closing Date
NIJ is seeking applications for funding to support criminal justice researcher-practitioner collaborations. Such partnerships have frequently been encouraged in solicitations for research. However, there is a need for intentional activities that effectively use lessons learned from previous partnerships to provide opportunities for creating, enhancing, and improving criminal justice researcher-practitioner partnerships. This solicitation is aimed at developing existing partnerships, establishing new partnerships, and capturing significant lessons...

NIJ FY 09 ORE Crime and Justice Research

Closing Date
NIJ is seeking applications for funding of social and behavioral research on, and evaluations related to, crime and justice topics relevant to State and/or local criminal and juvenile justice policy and practice. Although most crime and justice topics relevant to policymakers and practitioners are eligible for consideration, NIJ has identified the following priority areas: Predicting Crime, Emerging Crime, Human Trafficking, Re-entry, Preventing Crime Related to...

NIJ FY 09 ORE Social Science Research on Exoneration

Closing Date
NIJ is interested in stimulating a scientifically rigorous body of research on the topic of wrongful convictions, specifically focusing on the 200-plus cases of exonerations based on post-conviction DNA examinations, and comparisons of DNA-based and non-DNA-based exonerations. Thus far, there have been over 200 cases of post-conviction DNA exonerations in the United States identified by media and interested organizations; however, there has been little social-science-based...

NIJ FY 09 ORE Social Science Research in Forensic Science

Closing Date
Forensic science, particularly in the area of DNA, has experienced numerous advances over the last decade. Improvements in science and technology have increased capabilities to use DNA in terms of the amount of evidence needed to obtain DNA, the speed of DNA processing, and the range of crimes DNA can help solve. NIJ is interested in stimulating research to examine the impact of these forensic...