Child abuse
Guardianship Abuse: Bad Apples or Tip of the Iceberg?
When cases involving high-profile individuals, like Britney Spears, make national headlines, issues surrounding guardianship and conservatorship take center stage. But after those specific cases resolve and national interest fades, the systemic issues remain. We have very little data on how the guardianship system is actually working, and the scope and prevalence of guardianship abuse remains unclear. We don’t know how many individuals suffer abuse under guardianship. We don’t know to what extent guardianship, when properly executed, improves the lives of those it’s intended to serve.
30 Years of the Violence Against Women Act: Endurance, Expansion, and the Next Era
Summary of a plenary panel from the 2024 NIJ Research Conference
Responding to Intimate Partner Violence Related Strangulation Integrating Policy, Practice, and Rese
This webinar examines the problem of Intimate Partner Violence Strangulation and an innovative response policy. The presentation will include an overview of the nature and extent of strangulation, its dangers, and adverse medical consequences followed by a review of a Strangulation Ordinance in Burleson, Texas that mandates extensive training for first responders and a city-wide response protocol for strangulation detection and investigation, documentation of strangulation signs and symptoms, medical assistance, and service referrals for strangulation survivors.
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Inequities in Mental Health Services: A 16-Year Longitudinal Study of Youth in the Justice System
A Self-Assessment Tool for Helping Identify Police Burnout Among Investigators of Child Sexual Abuse Material
Exposure to Child Sexual Abuse Material among Law Enforcement Investigators: Exploring Trauma and Resilience Profiles
Emotional Wellbeing and Cognitive Appraisals among Law Enforcement Exposed to Child Sexual Abuse Material: A Mixed Methods Study
Sexual Posttraumatic Stress among Investigators of Child Sexual Abuse Material
Trauma Behind the Keyboard: Exploring Disparities in Child Sexual Abuse Material Exposure and Mental Health Factors among Police Investigators and Forensic Examiners – A Network Analysis
Correlates of Intimate Relationship Satisfaction Among Investigators of Child Sexual Abuse
A Self-assessment Tool for Helping Identify Police Burnout Among Investigators of Child Sexual Abuse Material
The Mental Health of Officials who Regularly Examine Child Sexual Abuse Material: Strategies for Harm Mitigation
NORC Research Brief: National Study of Victim Compensation Programs Perceived Fairness of Outcomes Among Claimants
Advancing Situational and Developmental Approaches To Prevent Sexual Violence
Growing evidence supports using situational and developmental crime prevention approaches to complement traditional law enforcement and criminal justice interventions to combat sexual violence.
30 Years of the Violence Against Women Act: Endurance, Expansion, and the Next Era - 2024 NIJ Research Conference
Congress first passed the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) in 1994. Since then, the Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) has invested several billion dollars to support national, state, and local programs and to advance policies and practices to reduce domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking and increase access to safety, services, and justice for survivors. Over the same period, the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) has made similar investments, and VAWA, OVW and OVC have all supported NIJ in investing extensively in related research.
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Advancing Justice Through Science: Tracing Allegheny County’s Journey - 2024 NIJ Research Conference
This plenary will trace the arc of Allegheny County’s evidence-based investments in justice and human services reform, starting with the Allegheny County Jail Collaborative in 2000. Participants will highlight Allegheny County’s ongoing, and evolving investments in risk assessment tools to inform pretrial and child welfare decision-making, its commitment to reducing racial disparities in the human services and justice systems, and its continued commitment to building and learning from evidence informed by rigorous evaluation methodologies.
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