Cross-sectional Study of Loss of Life Expectancy at Different Ages Related to Firearm Deaths Among Black And White Americans
Sexual assault disclosure by college women at historically black colleges and universities and predominantly white institutions
Optimization of Microhaplotypes for Advanced DNA Mixture Deconvolution
The History and Legacy of the Latent Fingerprint Black Box Study
The FBI's black box study on latent prints continues to influence the criminal justice system's understanding of the validity and reliability of forensic testimony.
Black Box Evaluation of Bloodstain Pattern Analysis Conclusions
The History and Legacy of the Latent Fingerprint Black Box Study
Testing the Accuracy and Reliability of Palmar Friction Ridge Comparisons: A Black Box Study, Full Report
Multi-Component Efforts to Improve School Safety - Breakout Session, NIJ Virtual Conference on School Safety
On February 16-18, 2021, the National Institute of Justice hosted the Virtual Conference on School Safety: Bridging Research to Practice to Safeguard Our Schools. This video includes the following presentations:
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Dual System Youth: At the Intersection of Child Maltreatment and Delinquency
Across the country, child welfare and juvenile justice systems now recognize that youth involved in both systems (i.e., dual system youth) are a vulnerable population who often go unrecognized because of challenges in information-sharing and cross system collaboration. In light of these challenges, national incidence rates of dual system youth are not known.
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Black Box and White Box Forensic Examiner Evaluations - Understanding the Details
Increased Death Rates of Domestic Violence Victims From Arresting vs. Warning Suspects in the Milwaukee Domestic Violence Experiment (MilDVE)
Human Facial Shape and Size Heritability and Genetic Correlations
Population and Performance Analyses of Four Major Populations with Illumina's FGx Forensic Genomics System
Citizen Complaints Against the Police: An Eight City Examination
A View Inside the Black Box of Hot Spots Policing From a Sample of Police Commanders
View Inside the "Black Box" of Hot Spots Policing From a Sample of Police Commanders
Effects of Self-Control, Gang Membership, and Parental Attachment/Identification on Police Contacts Among Latino and African American Youths
Disclosure of Sexual Assault Experiences Among Undergraduate Women at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs)
Genomewide Association Study of African Children Identifies Association of SCHIP1 and PDE8A with Facial Size and Shape
Just Science Podcast: Just NIST's Digital Forensics Black Box Study
Firearm Forensics Black-Box Studies for Examiners and Algorithms using Measured 3D Surface Topographies
Homicide in the United States
The 2009 NIJ Conference kicked off with a blue-ribbon panel of leaders with expertise in urban issues as they relate to homicide. These experts will discuss promising approaches that have resulted in reduced violence and community empowerment.
What Works in Offender Supervision
This NIJ Conference Panel highlights findings from NIJ projects that evaluated strategies to enhance the supervision of offenders in the community. Researchers discuss the effectiveness of fair, swift and certain sanctions for high-risk probationers in the Hawaii HOPE program. Panelists also provide empirical evidence on the effectiveness of electronic monitoring — including the use of GPS tracking — for medium- and high-risk offenders on supervision and upon completion of their supervision sentence.